Experimental analysis of the ICRF waves coupling in EAST
Zhang, J. H.1,2; Zhang, X. J.1; Cheng, Y.1; Qin, C. M.1; Zhao, Y. P.1; Mao, Y. Z.1; Yuan, S.1; Wang, L.1; Ju, S. Q.1; Chen, G.1
关键词Icrf Coupling East
英文摘要The experiments were carried out to study the coupling characteristics of the I-port antenna in the ion cyclotron range of frequencies (ICRF) in EAST. The dependencies of the coupling resistance on various parameters including the antenna position, the central electron density, gas injection and the antenna phasing have been studied. The results obtained show that the experimental data are consistent with theoretical simulations. We find that the antenna loading decreases sharply at the L-H transition due to the change of the plasma density profiles in the scrape-off layer (SOL). The effect of the low hybrid wave (LHW) on the ICRF coupling during the H-mode is observed. The theoretical interpretation of the results is discussed, together with the efficient methods to optimize the coupling efficiency.
资助机构EAST operation and diagnostics group ; EAST operation and diagnostics group ; EAST operation and diagnostics group ; EAST operation and diagnostics group ; EAST operation and diagnostics group ; EAST operation and diagnostics group ; EAST operation and diagnostics group ; EAST operation and diagnostics group ; EAST operation and diagnostics group ; EAST operation and diagnostics group ; EAST operation and diagnostics group ; EAST operation and diagnostics group ; EAST operation and diagnostics group ; EAST operation and diagnostics group ; EAST operation and diagnostics group ; EAST operation and diagnostics group ; National Magnetic confinement Fusion Science Programme(2015GB101001 ; National Magnetic confinement Fusion Science Programme(2015GB101001 ; National Magnetic confinement Fusion Science Programme(2015GB101001 ; National Magnetic confinement Fusion Science Programme(2015GB101001 ; National Magnetic confinement Fusion Science Programme(2015GB101001 ; National Magnetic confinement Fusion Science Programme(2015GB101001 ; 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作者单位1.Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Plasma Phys, Hefei 230031, Peoples R China
2.Univ Sci & Technol China, Hefei 230026, Peoples R China
3.MIT, Plasma Sci & Fus Ctr, Cambridge, MA 02139 USA
4.Princeton Plasma Phys Lab, Princeton, NJ 08543 USA
5.Max Planck Inst Plasma Phys, D-85748 Garching, Germany
6.Univ Ghent, EESA Dept, B-9000 Ghent, Belgium
7.Natl Inst Fus Sci, Toki, Gifu 5095292, Japan
GB/T 7714
Zhang, J. H.,Zhang, X. J.,Cheng, Y.,et al. Experimental analysis of the ICRF waves coupling in EAST[J]. NUCLEAR FUSION,2017,57(6).
APA Zhang, J. H..,Zhang, X. J..,Cheng, Y..,Qin, C. M..,Zhao, Y. P..,...&Kasahara, H..(2017).Experimental analysis of the ICRF waves coupling in EAST.NUCLEAR FUSION,57(6).
MLA Zhang, J. H.,et al."Experimental analysis of the ICRF waves coupling in EAST".NUCLEAR FUSION 57.6(2017).
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