CORC  > 中国农业科学院  > 蔬菜花卉研究所  > 植物保护研究室
王莉; 李宝聚; 石延霞
关键词微环境 酸碱度 黄瓜 真菌病原菌
其他题名The effect of acid-alkali in the microenvironment on three major fungal pathogens in cucumber
英文摘要以引起黄瓜灰霉病(Botrytis cinerea)、黑星病(Cladosporium cucumerium)、霜霉病(Pseudoperonospora cubensis)的3种真菌病害病原菌为代表,通过对病菌栖息微环境酸碱度的调节,达到控制病害的目的.研究看出,黄瓜的3种主要病害病原菌在pH=3.4~10.4间孢子萌发和致病力表现基本一致:偏酸性环境(pH=4.2~6.2)促进孢子萌发率和致病力增强而偏碱性环境(pH=7.5~10.4)则对其明显抑制;降低叶面微环境的酸度,大大减轻了病害的发生、扩展,特别是对黄瓜灰霉病菌的防治有明显效果.; The microecological theory was combined with the basic principles of plant pathology, three major pathogens; Batrylis cucumber, Cladosporium cucumerium and Pseudoperonospora cubensis of cucumber were studied in the paper. The pathogen populations could be changed effectively by regulating the acidity in the micraecology, thus various pathogens were controlled in the same microecological system. The influence of buffer solutions of different pH 3- 4~10. 4 on plant, conidia or sporangia and the pathogenicity of these three cucumber pathogens were studied in this paper. Plants treated with buffers of pH 3. 4~10. 4 showed no obvious abnormality, only those sprayed with buffer solution of pH 3. 4, 3- 8, 9. 8 and 10. 4 showed slight change of leaf color. The germination inhibition ratios of conidia or sporangia of the three pathogens were generally higher at pH 7- 5--10. 4 than that at pH 4. 2"-6- 2. The germination ratio of C. cucumerium conidia was the highest at pH 6. 2, and the lowest at pH 9- 0 at 12h with the 87. 83% inhibition to germination ratio. After 24h, the lowest germination ratio was observed at pH 8. 0, the inhibition ratio was 67. 33%. The highest germinative inhibition ratio 72. 39% of P. cubensis sporangia was observed in solutions of pH9. 0. Meanwhile, comparison of germination ratio of C. cucumerium and P. cubensis in 0. lmol/L KH2PO4 (pHs?4. 15), 0. lmol/L K2HPO4 (pH.^9. 50)gave consistent results. The pathogenicity and conidia or sporangia germination ratio of three pathogens in microenvironment changed in the same trend. Pathogenicity of the three pathogens at pH 4. 2~6. 2 was generally higher than that at pH 7. 5~10. 4, the highest at pH 4. 2. 6-2. 5.0 respectively, and decreased obviously at pHS>8. 0. At pH 9.8, the disease spot caused by B. cinerea was the smallest, the pathogenicity of B. cinerea decreased significantly and the disease index was lower 71. 41% than control. At pH 8.0 the patogenicity of C. cucumerium decreased and the disease index decreased 72-49%. Pathogenicity of P. cubensis and disease index of cucumber mildew decreased while the increase of microenvironmental acid-alkali. Comparison of conidia germination ratio and pathogen pathogenicity in 0. lmol/L KH2PO, (pH?=4. 15),0. lmol/L K2HPO4(pH??9. 50)wilh those in buffer solutions of corresponding pH indicated that conidia germination was not influenced by the kinds of buffer solutions, but only by pH of the solutions. However, further field experiment still needs to be performed. The experiments results showed that the spore germinating ratio was inhibited and primary infection site decreased by regulating the acid-alkali in the microenvironment and exposing the habitat of the microorganisms in alkali environment, the occurrence and spread of the disease were controlled effectively, by this way.Acid-base balance directly influenced the health of the organisms around it. The results indicated that solubility of leaf proteins separated from the same planl differed in solutions of different pH. Meanwhile, the extraction ratio in alkaline solution was generally higher than in acidic solution. The pathogens parasitized on surface of cucumber didn't invade into it immediately but grew attaching on leaf surface for some time. This research is a good example for the application of acid-base balance and microecological balance theory in plant disease control, it presented a bright prospect of its application in plant disease control, especially in disease control of greenhouse vegetables.
作者单位中国农科院蔬菜花卉所, 北京, 100081
GB/T 7714
王莉,李宝聚,石延霞. 酸碱微环境对三种黄瓜主要真菌病原菌的影响[J]. 生态学报,2005,25(4):808-813.
APA 王莉,李宝聚,&石延霞.(2005).酸碱微环境对三种黄瓜主要真菌病原菌的影响.生态学报,25(4),808-813.
MLA 王莉,et al."酸碱微环境对三种黄瓜主要真菌病原菌的影响".生态学报 25.4(2005):808-813.
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