关键词宽带IP技术 高性能路由交换机 交换背板 核心交换结构 以太网I/O处理机 千兆以太网I/O处理机
中文摘要当前通信体制正在进行一场巨大的变革,即从以程控交换机为主体的面向连接的线路交换网络转向以路由器和网络交换机为主体的无连接的包交换网络。采用TCP/IP协议、路由交换技术和全光学传输技术的新一代数据通信网络-宽带IP网络将支持语音、视频广播等各种现有实时业务和交互视频、按需点播等新实时业务,通信成本大为降低,并同样可以保证端到端的服务质量(QOS)。宽带IP网络的发展正在加速传统话音网络、广播电视网络和计算机网络的融合,并将成为未来多媒体综合业务的承载平台。本论文首先在对现代通信技术简单回顾的基础上,分析了因特网的发展对传统通信体制带来的冲击,以及目前通信体制变革的趋势,进而详细论述了支撑宽带综合多媒体业务的未来宽带IP网络和宽带IP技术。在宽带IP技术概念基础上,本论文重点介绍了一种高性能路由交换机的设计方案。首先,在对传统路由器内部结构和工作原理分析的基础上,介绍了基于共享内存(Share Memory)方式的交换背板设计,分析了交换背板的工作时序和性能。其次,着重描述了核心交换结构(Switch Fabric)中基于Stream的队列管理机制、采用动态输入门限算法(Dynamic Input Threshold)实现拥塞控制的机制、以及基于固定优先级队列(Strict Priority Queuing)和加权平均队列(Weighted Fair Queuing)算法实现输出调度和服务质量(Quality of Service)控制的设计原理。接下来,通过对以太网I/O处理机(Ether-I/O Processor)的内部结构、处理流程、基于先进先出缓冲机制(FIFO Buffer)的输入/输出通道(Channel)、多任务微控制器(Microcontrollor)以及具有网络第二层和第三层线速地址查找功能的查询机器(Search Machine)的介绍,分析了路由交换机的另一重要组成部分-以太网接口模块的设计原理,并对以太网接口模块的性能进行了分析;此外,还简要介绍了千兆以太网接品模块的结构。最后,对CPU控制模块、管理和控制软件的结构以及网管和路由协议控制中间件(DS-ware)的设计进行了描述。本论文的最后,从利用千兆以太网封帧技术实现IP over DWDM、STM-16/OC-48 POS接口模块的设计以及MPLS等协议的扩展支持等方面介绍了我们对路由交换机相关技术的跟踪研究,并在此基础上提出本论文进一步工作的设想和展望。
英文摘要Today's communication system has been changing greatly. The traditional communication system, which is a connection-oriented, TDM-based and circuit-switched network and mainly composed of voice switch, has been migrating to a new system which is a connectionless and packet switched network and mainly composed of router and packet switch. The new generation communication network-broadband IP network, utilizing TCP-IP protocol, routing switch technology and optical transmission technology, will support not only current real time applications like voice and video delivering but new broadband multimedia applications like interactive video and video on demand. It will has lower cost, and can equally provide end-to-end Quality of Service (QoS). The development of broadband IP network is speeding up the convergence of traditional voice network, broadcast TV network and computer network. Broadband IP network will finally become the network infrastructure of future integrated multimedia service. Firstly, based on the introduction of today's communication technologies, the thesis analyzes the impaction of rapid growth of Internet to traditional communication system and the trend of migration of current communication system. Then, the thesis gives detailed discussion of future broadband IP network and broadband IP technology, the thesis emphatically introduces a design scheme of high performance routing switch. Firstly, by analysis of architecture and working flow of typical IP router, it describes the design of switch backplane which is composed of share memory architecture, and analyzes the backplane's working switch cycle and performance. Then, the switch fabric is introduced, which is based on per-stream queuing mechanism and utilizes dynamic input threshold algorithm to implement congestion control and strict priority queuing and weighted fair queuing algorithms to implement output scheduling and QoS control. Thirdly, the thesis describes the architecture of ethernet network interface modular- Ether-I/O Processor, including FIFO based input/output channel, multi-task microcontroller, and search machine which can do wire speed L2/L3 lookup. Fourthly, a performance analysis of Ether-I/O Processor is provided. Furthermore, the architecture, of gigabit ethernet network interface modular-GbE-I/O Processor is briefly introduced. Finally, the thesis describes the design of CPU control modular, structure of network management and routing control software and network management and routing protocol control middleware (DS-ware). At the end of the thesis, some according research is introduced, which includes implementation of IP over DWDM by gigabit ethernet framing technology, design of STM-16/OC/48 Packet Over SDH (POS) network interface modular-POS-I/O Processor and support of MPLS. Based on these researches, the next step job and deeply research of the thesis is provided.
GB/T 7714
唐晖. 宽带IP技术和高性能路由交换机的设计[D]. 中科院声学所. 中国科学院中科院声学所. 1999.
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