关键词声智能传感器 FPGA DSP ARM 以太网供电
其他题名A Design and Implementation of Acoustic Smart Sensor
中文摘要传感器技术作为信息技术的三大组成部分之一,近年来得到了极大重视并飞速发展。其中代表着传感器发展方向的智能传感器技术尤为火热。国内外已经有关于温度、压力、加速度等多种智能传感器的研究和产品,但关于声传感器的智能化研究和应用还不多。声传感器在通信、环境检测、文化娱乐、水下探测和生物医学工程等方面有广泛的应用,研究声智能传感器的意义重大,本文正是基于此,设计和实现了一个声智能传感器研究平台。 本文在平台架构设计上采用了“FPGA+DSP+ARM” 结构。其中FPGA做逻辑控制和并行算法,DSP负责实时的数字信号处理,ARM用于控制、管理和网络通信,这种结构使得三个模块部分各司其职,发挥各自优势,可以使平台具有极高的处理能力和通用性,设计上也十分灵活。在ADC的选型上,本文选用了可8通道同步采集的24bit模数转换器ADS1278,以满足声信号具有动态范围大的特点。平台加入了数模转换器,可用于传感器的自诊断、自校准和自标定,另外引入了温湿度传感器,可用于传感器的去温漂和自补偿。平台的输出接口采用标准的以太网接口使声智能传感器网络化。声智能传感器可以作为若干节点与服务器组成一个智能传感器网络,实现无缝连接。此外,平台还采用以太网供电技术为系统供电,节省了平台和外部的连线,并具有一定的过流保护功能。该平台为后续进行多传感器的信息融合研究奠定了硬件基础 本文分章节阐述了声智能传感器平台的设计和实现过程,第2章给出了平台设计方案,第3章和第4章分别详细地叙述了平台的硬件和软件设计,第5章对系统的功能和性能进行了测试,结果表明平台实现了全部预期功能,并取得了较好的性能。第6章是全文的总结,提出了一些改进措施和下一步的工作展望。
英文摘要As one of the three pillars of information technology, sensor technology has caught people’s great attention and been developed rapidly in recent years. Smart sensor technology which represents the sensors’ development direction is particularly seething. Some smart sensors such as sensor of temperature,pressure and accelaration have been designed in the world, however, reseach and application on the acoustic smart sensor are insufficient. Study of acoustic smart sensor is much significant as its wide uses in communication, environment monitoring, entertainment, underwater exploration and biomedical engineering. Considering the fact above, a research-platform of acoustic smart sensor was designed and implemented. In this thesis, "FPGA + DSP + ARM" structure has been adopted by the architecture design of the platform. FPGA takes charge of the logical control and parallel computering. DSP is responsible for real-time digital signal processing and ARM is used for control, management and network communication. This organization makes all the three modules exert their respective advantages to the most. As for the ADC converter, a 24bit ADC-- ADS1278 is selected that is able to sample the data through 8 channels synchronously to fit the acoustic signal’s feature of large dynamic range. A DAC has been employed on the platform that can be used for sensor self-diagnosis, self-calibration. Temperature and humidity sensors are also introduced that can be used to implement self-compensation to get rid of temperature and humidity drift. The platform makes use of the standard ethernet interface as its output interface so that the acoustic smart sensor becomes networking. The acoustic smart sensor could be used as a node to constitute a distributed smart sensor network and implement seamless connection. In addition, the platform also takes use of Power on Ethernet(PoE) technology for the system power supply to save the connections between the platform and exterior system which synchronously have the function to protect the platform from over-current damage. This thesis describes the acoustic smart sensor’s design process and implementation through the following steps. The second chapter gives the design scheme of the platform while the third chapters and fourth respectively gives a detailed description of the platform’s hardware and software design. The fifth chapter has tested the functions and performance of the system and the results shows that the platform has implemented all the expected function and obtained a good performance. Finally, the summary of this thesis and some future research directions are presented.
GB/T 7714
匡敬辉. 声智能传感器的设计和实现[D]. 声学研究所. 中国科学院声学研究所. 2009.
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