CORC  > 厦门大学  > 2015年卷第1期(Vol.2015 No.1)
论保险法司法解释(二)对海上保险代位求偿权诉讼时效的适用性; Applicability of Interpretation II concerning the Insurance Law to the Limitation of Action with Regard to Subrogation Rights in Marine Insurance
杨运福 ; YANG Yunfu ; 吴星奎 ; WU Xingkui
关键词代位求偿权 Subrogation right 诉讼时效 Limitation of action 起算点 Starting time 承运人 Carrier
英文摘要杨运福,广东恒福律师事务所主任、执行和高级合伙人,海事律师,仲裁员,法律硕士。 吴星奎,广东恒福律师事务所副主任、合伙人,海事律师,法学硕士。; 【中文摘要】《最高人民法院关于适用<中华人民共和国保险法>若干问题的解释(二)》(以下简称“《保险司法解释(二)》”)第16条规定:保险人代位求偿权的诉讼时效期间应自其取得代位求偿权之日起算。目前,对于上述规定是否可以适用于海上保险代位求偿权,即保险人就货物运输保险合同对承运人的诉讼时效,是按照上述司法解释的规定从其取得代位求偿权开始计算,还是从被保险人对承运人诉讼时效的起算点即从承运人交付或者应当交付货物之日起算,海事司法实践和理论上存在很大的争议。笔者认为 ,《保险法司法解释(二)》的规定并不能适用于海上货物运输保险代位诉讼中诉讼时效的起算。 【Abstract】Article 16 of Interpretation II of the Supreme People's Court on Several Issues concerning the Application of the Insurance Law of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter “Interpretation II”) provides for the following: the time limitation for an insurer's subrogation right shall be calculated from the date when it acquires such a right. Currently, maritime jurisprudents and juridical practitioners are embroiled in controversy over the question of whether this provision may be applied to subrogation rights in marine insurance. That is, should the limitation of action by the insurer against the carrier based on the cargo transportation insurance contract start from the date when the insurer acquired its subrogation right, as stipulated in the juridical interpretation above, or from the day on which the goods were delivered or should have been delivered by the carrier (the starting time of limitation of action by the insured against the carrier)? The authors assert that the provisions of Interpretation II do not apply to the calculation of time limitation of subrogation claims for insurers in respect to carriage of goods by sea.
专题2015年卷第1期(Vol.2015 No.1)
GB/T 7714
杨运福,YANG Yunfu,吴星奎,等. 论保险法司法解释(二)对海上保险代位求偿权诉讼时效的适用性, Applicability of Interpretation II concerning the Insurance Law to the Limitation of Action with Regard to Subrogation Rights in Marine Insurance. 2015-06-30.
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