CORC  > 厦门大学  > 软件学院-会议论文
A multi-touch interface for fast architectural sketching and massing
Sun, Qian ; Lin, Juncong ; Fu, Chi-Wing ; Kaijima, Sawako ; He, Ying ; Lin JC(林俊聪)
关键词Conceptual design Floors Human computer interaction Human engineering Tall buildings
英文摘要Conference Name:31st Annual CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems: Changing Perspectives, CHI 2013. Conference Address: Paris, France. Time:April 27, 2013 - May 2, 2013.; ACM Spec. Interest Group Comput.-Hum. Interact. (ACM SIGCHI); AUTODESK; Facebook; Nokia; digite; Architectural sketching and massing are used by designers to analyze and explore the design space of buildings. This paper describes a novel multi-touch interface for fast architectural sketching and massing of tall buildings. It incorporates a family of multi-touch gestures, enabling one to quickly sketch the 2D contour of a base floor plan and extrude it to model a building with multi-floor structures. Further, it provides a set of gestures to users: select and edit a range of floors; scale contours of a building; copy, paste, and rotate a building, i.e., create a twisted structure; edit profile curves of a building's profile; and collapse and remove a selected range of floors. The multi-touch system also allows users to apply textures or geometric fac?ades to the building, and to compare different designs side-by-side. To guide the design process, we interacted with a domain expert, a practicing architect. The final interface was evaluated by architects and students in an architecture department, and the results demonstrated that the system allows rapid conceptual design and massing of novel multi-story building structures. Copyright ? 2013 ACM.
出版者Association for Computing Machinery
GB/T 7714
Sun, Qian,Lin, Juncong,Fu, Chi-Wing,et al. A multi-touch interface for fast architectural sketching and massing. 2013-01-01.
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