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福建省木兰溪流域浮游植物群落结构特征; Community Structure Characteristics of Phytoplankton in Drainage Area of Mulan River,Fujian Province
林施泉 ; 邵晓阳 ; 姜丹 ; 刘成士
关键词浮游植物 群落结构 生物多样性 水质 木兰溪流域 phytoplankton community structure biodiversity water quality drainage area of Mulan River
英文摘要于2012年5~6月,对福建省木兰溪流域11个断面的浮游植物群落结构进行了调查研究。研究结果显示,在木兰溪流域,共鉴定到浮游植物6门51属68种。绿藻在种类组成和数量上占绝对优势,有25属36种,占浮游植物总数的41.57%;其次是硅藻,有16属21种,占总数的29.70%;蓝藻有5属6种,占总数的26.96%;其他藻类占1.77%。木兰溪流域内,浮游植物的平均密度为22.28x106个/l;其中,浮游植物的最高密度(49.67x106个/l)出现在下游木兰陂段,最低密度(6.31x106个/l)出现在上游支流金溪段。水体溶解氧和氨氮含量是影响木兰溪浮游植物群落结构的主要因素。木兰溪浮游植物的SHAnnOn-WIEnEr多样性指数为1.7~2.87,SIMPSOn多样性指数为0.73~0.92,MArgAlEf丰富度指数为0.72~2.27,PIElOu均匀度指数为0.65~0.86。木兰溪流域下游木兰陂段水体处于中—富营养化污染状态;上游支流苦溪和柴桥头溪水体处于中营养化污染状态;流域的其他水体处于贫—中营养化污染状态。; Phytoplankton species composition,numerical abundance and spatial distribution were studied in relation to environmental factors from May to June,2012,in the drainage area of Mulan River,Fujian Province.A total of 68 species,belonging to 51 genera in 6 phyla were recorded,among which Chlorophyta (36 species of 25 genera) was the most dominant group,accounting for 41.57% of the abundance,with Bacillariophyta (21 species of 16 genera) in the second,accounting for 29.70%,then followed by Cyanophyta (6 species of 5 genera),accounting for 26.96%.The abundance of phytoplankton in the investigated area ranged from 6.31×10 6 individual/L to 49.68×10 6 individual/L with a mean value of 22.28×10 6 individual/L.There was a great spatial variation in phytoplankton cell density.The highest abundance was appeared in the Mulan reservoir,while lowest in the Gold creek.Principal component analysis indicated that dissolved oxygen and NH 4 + —N concentration were the main environmental factors influencing the distribution of phytoplankton in the Mulan River.The Shannon-Wiener diversity index,Simpson diversity index,Margalef abundance index and Pielou evenness index of phytoplankton communities in the 11 sections varied from 1.70-2.87,0.73-0.92,0.72-2.27 and 0.65-0.86,respectively.Based on biodiversity indices and community structure of phytoplankton,the water in Mulan River could be classified as oligo-mesotrophic status,mesotrophic status and meso-eutrophics status with spatial patterns.; 浙江省重点科技创新团队项目(2010R50039); 浙江省科技计划项目(2009C33064); 杭州师范大学启动经费项目(2011QDL63)资助
GB/T 7714
林施泉,邵晓阳,姜丹,等. 福建省木兰溪流域浮游植物群落结构特征, Community Structure Characteristics of Phytoplankton in Drainage Area of Mulan River,Fujian Province[J],2013.
APA 林施泉,邵晓阳,姜丹,&刘成士.(2013).福建省木兰溪流域浮游植物群落结构特征..
MLA 林施泉,et al."福建省木兰溪流域浮游植物群落结构特征".(2013).
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