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黄嘴白鹭集群繁殖对营巢地土壤重金属积累的效应(英文); Effect of colonial breeding of Chinese Egret(Egretta eulophotes) on the heavy metal accumulation in heronry soil
方文珍 ; 陈小麟 ; 林清贤 ; 周晓平
关键词黄嘴白鹭(Egretta eulophotes) 重金属 海岛 营巢地 土壤 Chinese Egret(Egretta eulophotes) heavy metal island heronry soil
英文摘要本研究采用电感耦合等离子质谱(ICP-MS)方法,测定福建漳浦菜屿岛黄嘴白鹭(EgrETTAEulOPHOTES)排泄物的重金属元素(V、Cr、Mn、nI、Cu、zn、Cd、SE、Pb)及半金属元素(AS)的含量,分析比较黄嘴白鹭繁殖之前和繁殖之后的集群营巢地、非营巢地的表层土壤的重金属元素及半金属元素含量的变化。结果显示:在本次测定的所有排泄物和土壤样本中均未检出元素SE和Cd;非营巢地土壤中各元素的含量在繁殖前后都没有显著差异(P>0.05),营巢地土壤中的zn和Pb元素的含量在繁殖前后有极显著差异(P<0.01)。营巢地和非营巢地土壤之间的元素含量比较结果发现,繁殖之前两地土壤之间的zn含量存在极显著差异(P<0.01);繁殖之后两地土壤之间的Cu、zn、AS、Pb存在极显著差异(P<0.01),V、nI存在显著差异(P<0.05)。上述数据说明黄嘴白鹭的集群繁殖活动对湿地和海岛生态系统之间的重金属转移起着重要作用,长时间则可能造成海岛营巢地土壤的重金属污染。; We measured the concentrations of heavy metal elements,i.e.,V,Cr,Mn,Ni,Cu,Zn,Cd,Se and Pb and the semi-metal element As in feces of Chinese Egret(Egretta eulophotes)on Caiyu Island in Zhangpu County,Fujian Province,China using inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry(ICP-MS) and compared the differences between the topsoil of their nesting and non-nesting areas before and after breeding.The results show that no Se and Cd was detected in any of the samples,including feces and soil,while heavy metal concentrations in the non-nesting soil were not significantly different before and after breeding(p > 0.05),but the differences in concentrations of Zn and Pb in the nesting soil were highly significant before and after breeding(p < 0.01).A comparison of the concentrations of the elements in the nesting and non-nesting soils also reveals that before breeding,the concentration of Zn in these two soils were significantly different(p < 0.01).After breeding,concentrations of Cu,Zn,As and Pb in the nesting and non-nesting soil were significantly different(p < 0.01) while V and Ni concentrations showed merely significant differences(p < 0.05).These findings indicate that the colonial breeding activities of E.eulophotes play an important role in the transfer of heavy metals between wetland and island eco-systems and that such activities may,over time,result in heavy metal contamination of the heronry soil on the island.; supportedbytheNationalNaturalScienceFoundationofChina(GrantNos.40876077;30970380);theFujianNaturalScienceFoundationofChina(2008S0007;2009J01195)
GB/T 7714
方文珍,陈小麟,林清贤,等. 黄嘴白鹭集群繁殖对营巢地土壤重金属积累的效应(英文), Effect of colonial breeding of Chinese Egret(Egretta eulophotes) on the heavy metal accumulation in heronry soil[J],2010.
APA 方文珍,陈小麟,林清贤,&周晓平.(2010).黄嘴白鹭集群繁殖对营巢地土壤重金属积累的效应(英文)..
MLA 方文珍,et al."黄嘴白鹭集群繁殖对营巢地土壤重金属积累的效应(英文)".(2010).
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