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题名论马丁•路德对J.S.巴赫宗教音乐创作的影响; Influences of Martin Luther on J.S. Bach's religious music
答辩日期2014 ; 2014
关键词马丁• 路德 JS巴赫 宗教音乐 Martin Luther Bach religious music
英文摘要在宗教与音乐相融合的巴洛克时期,在德国中部图林根森林地带的爱森纳赫,伟大的“西方音乐之父”、虔诚的路德教徒——约翰•塞巴斯蒂安•巴赫于1685年诞生了。作为一名路德教徒,马丁•路德的宗教观念与音乐思想深深地影响着J.S.巴赫的宗教音乐观,并对J.S.巴赫的宗教音乐创作产生深远的影响。在巴赫宗教音乐作品中所体现的人文主义精神也是对马丁•路德音乐价值观的体现。马丁•路德在改革中创造的众赞歌也成为巴赫宗教音乐创作的源泉,在巴赫的宗教音乐作品中,有三分之一以上是以众赞歌为基础创作的。路德的宗教改革在J.S.巴赫的身上得到了最崇高的彰显。 本文由绪论和三个章节组成。绪论就本课题的研究意义、目的、研究现状和研究方法进行阐述。第一章重点论述马丁•路德的宗教改革以及路德的宗教观与音乐思想。第二章主要论述路德的宗教改革对巴赫时代社会文化环境以及对巴赫家族信仰的影响。第三章则主要从巴赫的宗教音乐观念和宗教音乐作品两个方面探索路德的思想对巴赫的宗教观与音乐创作的影响。最后,论文的结束语将对全文进行简要的归纳和总结。; In Baroque period when religion was integrated with music, J.S.Bach—the great father of western music and devout Lutheran—was born in 1685 in Eisenach, which is situated in the Thuringian Forest in central Germany. As a Lutheran, Martin Luther exercised not only a profound influence over J.S.Bach’s outlook on religious music by dint of his religious outlook and music thoughts, but also a far-reaching influence over J.S.Bach’s music creation. Additionally, the humanistic spirit embodied in J.S.Bach’s religious musical works has also reflected Martin Luther’s musical values. Meanwhile, the chorale created by Martin Luther in protestant reformation has also evolved into the source of J.S.Bach’s music creation, and at least 1/3 of J.S.Bach’s religious musical works were composed based on chorale. Thus, Martin Luther’s protestant reformation has been magnificently demonstrated by J.S.Bach. This paper consists of introduction and three chapters. Introduction makes an elaboration on the research significance, purpose, status, methods of this paper. The first chapter focuses on discussing Martin Luther’s protestant reformation, religious outlook and musical thoughts. The second chapter revolves around the influence of Luther’s protestant reformation on the sociocultural environment and the religious belief of the Bach family in the period of J.S.Bach. The third chapter primarily probes into the influence of Luther’s thoughts on J.S.Bach’s religious outlook and music creation from two aspects, including J.S.Bach’s outlook on religious music and religious musical works. Finally, the third chapter is about the conclusion of this paper, which sums up this paper briefly.; 学位:文学硕士; 院系专业:艺术学院_音乐与舞蹈学; 学号:18720111153465
GB/T 7714
李佳雪. 论马丁•路德对J.S.巴赫宗教音乐创作的影响, Influences of Martin Luther on J.S. Bach's religious music[D]. 2014, 2014.
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