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题名台湾客家社会变迁研究 --以新竹湖口地区为中心; The study of changes of Hakka society based on Hukou Township Xinzhu county
答辩日期2010 ; 2010
关键词社会变迁 social exchange,the change of society form 社会转型 Hakkas of Hukou Xinzhu county in Taiwan 台湾客家 新竹湖口
英文摘要台湾几百年来一直处于文化交融且不断地社会变迁,经过持续的文化接触、演化与社会转型,形成一种与大陆血脉相连,同时又具有浓厚地域特色和多元开放格局的特性。 本研究之问题意识为:一、台湾几百年来社会变迁做一历史社会学术性回顾,二、社会变迁之原因与动力为何?三、台湾客家在社会变迁发展下之生活面貌为何? 研究框架,时间以明末清初客家移入始,至近现代变迁止;空间以台湾垦拓史为经、湖口客家地方社会变迁为纬,缕分章节析述,钩勒台湾客家形成过程与社会变迁轨迹。 研究方法以历史社会学为主要方法,从社会结构与活动两个层面入手,关注活动与结构彼此互动和影响,以及因果关系与变迁过程,着重整体结构变化,观察社会之变迁,获得符合历史事实支持理论解释。 研究发现,在台湾数百年翻天覆地现代化过程中,客家人扮演一个不可忽视之角色,新竹湖口客家庄之变迁,从一个侧面反映出台湾迈向现代工业社会之变迁轨迹与发展样貌。 相对前人的客家研究,本文主要在以下几个方面有所创获: 一是对台湾客家进行较全面的定义整理工作,引述两岸客家研究的著作,将台湾客家的观点和两岸及全球宏观的观点作了较为平衡的布局; 二是以历史还原和话语诠释相结合的方式来展开研究,在台湾垦拓开发史上弥补了一些史志的主观性偏差; 三是从点至面完整地呈显了台湾客家社会之变迁与发展的全程,在一定程度上克服了前人研究纵深有余而视角单一的问题。; Through several hundred years,Taiwan has been in the social change and cultural exchanges.After everlasting contacts between different cultures and Taiwan has been developing an unique society form,which has close ties with mainland China ,and yet has its local features and opening up to the outside world in diversity. This essay aim on solving the following three questions:the first,to have an academic trace in social and history way;second ,to expose the fundamental cause and motive of this social change;third,to have an overall view of the facts of Taiwan Hakkas in the development of this social change. About the frame of this essay,base on the time when from late Ming and early Qing dynasty when the Hakkas first move to Hukou,to the modern time the termination of the migration. we trace the history when the farmers came to explore Taiwan and focus on the social change of Hukou,and outline the formation of Taiwan Hakkas society and the changes of this society. We take mainly the social-history method to discuss the social structure and its activity,and focus on the changes between two sides,and we get the causes and draw conclusion about the changes in entity.Through carefully observing,we can get the facts to support our theory. In this study,we found that in modernization change of Taiwan,the Hakkas have played important role in this change.In fact, Hukou of Xinzhu county case is a miniature reflection of the development of Taiwan from backward to the modern industrial society. In contract to the similar study ,this essay has draw new conclusion in three aspects.The first,we have more overall definition to Taiwan Hakkas,resorted to more new materiel from the books of scholar of two sides,and comparing the different view of scholar of two sides.The second,with new methods of historical retrace and the interpreting way,we have corrected some mistake written in some local history books.The third,we have full view of the social change and the development of Taiwan Hakkas society,and have overcome the problem of unique view on the Taiwan Hakks study before my research.; 学位:历史学博士; 院系专业:台湾研究所_中国近现代史; 学号:25620070154029
GB/T 7714
黄先光. 台湾客家社会变迁研究 --以新竹湖口地区为中心, The study of changes of Hakka society based on Hukou Township Xinzhu county[D]. 2010, 2010.
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