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题名税收征管档案管理系统的设计与实现; Design and Implementation of Tax administration archives management system
答辩日期2014 ; 2013
关键词税收征管档案 档案管理系统 B/S模式 Taxation Files Files Managemnet System B/S Mode
英文摘要随着社会的进步,科技的发展,全世界、全人类对信息技术的需求都在不断的增长,而如何才能做到“科技兴税”、“科技强税”,对我们每一个税务干部而言都是一个迫在眉睫、亟待解决的问题。税收工作主要是征收管理,要做好征收管理工作,作为基础的税收征管档案的管理工作就必须做好。税收征管档案的管理历来都是征管工作的重中之重、难中之难。经济的不断发展带来的是纳税人的剧增,同时涉税档案资料也呈几何倍数上涨,且征管档案资料多以纸质为主,现在暂时还处于手工收集整理、人工查询管理的模式,这就造成了纸质资料不能有效共享,查阅不方便,调阅频度低,管理效益不高,档案管理各有侧重,对相对应的系统依赖性太强,对人力、物力的花费过大,并且不能更好的对纳税人提供纳税服务等弊病,于是,建立一套科学的、规范的税收征管档案管理系统,使税收征管档案系统化、规范化、电子化显得尤为的迫切。 本文介绍的税收征管档案管理系统,正是为解决手工整理档案的弊端而产生的。税收征管档案管理系统是使用电子化的手段,实现涉税档案资料从登记、修改、补充、审批、借阅、分析直至销毁的整个过程,最大程度减少了纸质资料的使用及流转,不但有利于建立节约型社会,还可以有效的提高工作效率,优化纳税服务,加强纳税遵从,规避执法风险,促进税收事业更快更好的发展。论文介绍了税收征管档案管理系统的产生背景,对系统开发所需的关键技术进行研究(本系统采用基于B/S的开放模式),系统共涉及档案登记、涉税事项审批、档案查阅、档案交接、档案销毁、系统维护六大功能,论文对各系统进行了详细的需求分析及功能设计,并对系统的实现和测试进行了描述和论证。; With the development of the sociaty and techknwology, the demand of poeple round the world of IT is in great growth. How could we approch ‘inhance and improve tax system by new technology’, which is a challenging task for all of tax workers. The main part of tax process is the mangement of taxation, which is based on how well it gets done on management of taxation files. That is why it is always the key in taxation. As one of the results by economic development is there are more and more taxpayer, and meantime, which cauesd the number of taxation files increaed in exponentially rose. And most of those files are papers and the collection and enquiry system are still processed by manual. This might cause low efficiency on ducuments sharing, unconvenent enquiry, slowly access into system, low efficiency on management. Files management itself has its points on different side, each side of which is closely rely on its own system, that costs too much on both labour and other material, and can not provide a better service for taxpayer. So, it is ergent to make taxation system to be systematic, standardized and electroniclized, which based on establishing a set of system which is scientific and standardized. The function of taxation system mentioned above is spcialized used to solve problems during manual files management. Taxation files management system is a process of tax files involved from resgrition, modification, examine and approve, borrow, analyse and till termination through electronical solution, which saves paper as possible as it could, and it is not just could help to build a conservation-oriented society, but also to help to improve development of tax undertakings in world and wide way by efficiency improve, tax service optimize, tax willing enhance. The thesis introduced the background of how taxation files management system comes from and the research( this system is baesd B/S open modle ) on key technology of system developmen. There are six functions of the system which involves files regisrition, tax items examin and approve, files reference, files handing over, files termination and system service. The paper analysed the demand and requirement and funtion design of each subsystem in details. And also described and demonstrated the system on implementation and test.; 学位:工程硕士; 院系专业:软件学院_软件工程; 学号:X2011230269
GB/T 7714
王小雁. 税收征管档案管理系统的设计与实现, Design and Implementation of Tax administration archives management system[D]. 2014, 2013.
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