CORC  > 厦门大学  > 人文学院-学位论文
答辩日期2009 ; 1999
英文摘要本文以唐代重要职官制度之一的国子监为研究对象,主要研讨了它的学科设置、教育管理,重点讨论了它在唐代近三百年中的发展问题,及其兴衰之由,同时重点研讨了它和科举制度的关系问题,在国家政治生活中的职能与地位问题。 全文共分五个章节。 第一章主要讨论了它的位置与学科设置、经费与教育管理。其中以学科设置与教育管理为讨论的重点。 第二章以安史之乱为分界线,在总体上将国子监的发展分为前后两个时期,其中又以各个皇帝的统治期为分界线,以时间为线索,重点研讨各个皇帝统治期内国子监的发展演变,认为前期以太宗贞观年间、玄宗开元年间为发展的高峰,武则天统治期为低谷;后期发展明显不如前期,但相对而言,代宗永泰、大历初,宪宗元和初为较好时期,余均可视为低谷期。 第三章从七个方面研讨了国子监的兴衰之由。 第四章研讨国子监与当时科举制的关系,重点探讨科举制的发展对国子监发展的影响,认为科举制的发展在当时带来的是更多的负面影响。 第五章重点研讨的是国子监在国家政治生活中的职能与地位问题,认为它在国家的文化礼制建设、外交与选举等方面发生着重要的作用,承担着重要的责任。; Taking Imperial College, one of the key official post systems in Tang Dynasty, as its object, this dissertation studies the course of installation and educational management in Imperial College. The discussion focus lies in its development in near 300 years of Tang Dynasty, and the reasons for its rise and decline, while also lies in its relationship with imperial civil service examination system and its function and status in state politics. This dissertation consists of 5 chapters. Chapter 1 mainly explores the position, course of installation, funds and educational management in Imperial College, and takes organization and educational administrative system as discussing focus. Chapter 2 generally divides the development of Imperial College into two stages, with the rebellion of An Lushan and Shi Siming as demarcation. And further dividing the stages according to every emperor’s reign period, and taking time as clue, it mainly discusses the development and evolution of Imperial College during each emperor’s reign period. It regards that the earlier stage reached its summit during Taizong’s Zhenguan and Xuanzong’s Kaiyuan reign period, and came to its valley in Wu Zetian’s reign period, while the development in the later stage is obvious not as good as that in the earlier stage, but ,comparatively speaking, Daizong’s Yongtai、Dali earlier reign period and Xianzong’s Yuanhe earlier reign period can be regarded as better period and the rest are valley period. Chapter 3 discusses the reasons for the rise and decline of Imperial College from 7 aspects. Chapter 4 discusses the relationship between Imperial College and the imperial civil service examination system at that time. It mainly inquires into the influence of the development of imperial civil service examination system on the development of Imperial College, and concludes that imperial civil service system brought negative influence rather than positive one. Chapter 5 mainly discusses the function and status of Imperial College in state politics, and draws the conclusion that it played important role and took important responsibilities in state culture protocol construction, diplomacy and election etc.; 学位:历史学博士; 院系专业:人文学院历史学系_专门史; 学号:que000054
GB/T 7714
廖建琦. 唐代国子监研究[D]. 2009, 1999.
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