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Brd4 and JMJD6-Associated Anti-Pause Enhancers in Regulation of Transcriptional Pause Release
Wen Liu ; Liu W(刘文) ; Qi Ma ; Kaki Wong ; Wenbo Li ; Kenny Ohgi ; Jie Zhang ; Aneel K. Aggarwal ; Michael G. Rosenfeld
英文摘要论文以我校为共同通讯单位,刘文教授为共同第一和通讯作者。论文对去甲基化酶蛋白家族中的成员JMJD6在基因转录中的新颖分子作用机制进行了阐述。研究表明JMJD6和另一热门表观遗传学调控子Brd4通过一种全新的“远程调控”模式调节RNA聚合酶II(PolII)在基因启动子附近停顿后重新激活(promoter-proximal pause release)和基因转录延伸过程(transcriptional elongation)。文章首次将相关的远程调控基因组增强子序列命名为“抗停顿增强子”(Anti-pause enhancers)。值得一提的是,JMJD6和Brd4与多种人类癌症和其它疾病紧密相联,例如乳腺癌的发生发展。研究成果极大地提高了对基因转录延伸机制的理解,同时也为治疗癌症等相关疾病提供了新的理论依据和思路指导,在理论研究及应用方面意义重大。   刘文教授是药学院2013年重点引进的优秀人才,因其出色的学术能力和科研潜力,经学院申报,入选当年的中组部“青年千人计划”和“闽江学者”。刘文教授一直致力于从事表观遗传学调控子以及核受体的分子作用机制及其在癌症等重大疾病发生发展中的应用研究,论文多次发表在Nature,Cell,CancerCell,MolecularCell,PNAS等国际权威科学期刊。; Distal enhancers characterized by the H3K4me mark play critical roles in developm ental and transcriptional programs. However, potential roles of specific distal regulatory elements in regulating RNA polymerase II (Pol II) promoter-proximal pause release remain poor lyinves tigated . Here, we report that a unique cohort of jumo njiC-domain-con taining protein 6 (JMJD 6) and bromodomain-containing protein 4 (Brd4) cobound distal enhancers , termed a ntip ause e nhance rs (A-PEs), regulate promoter-proximal pause release of a large subset of transcription units via long-range in teractions. Brd4-dependent JMJD6 recruitment on A-PEs mediates erasure of H4R3me, which is directly read by 7SK snR NA,and decappi ng/demet hylation of 7SK snR NA,ensurin g the dis missal of the 7SK snRNA/HEXIM inhibitory complex. The interactions of both JMJD6 and Brd4 with the P-TEFb complex permit its activation and pause release of regulated coding genes.The functions of JM JD6/Brd4-associated dual histone and RNA demethylase activity on anti-pause enhancers have intriguing implications for these proteins in development, homeostasis, and disease.
出版者Cell Press
GB/T 7714
Wen Liu,Liu W,Qi Ma,et al. Brd4 and JMJD6-Associated Anti-Pause Enhancers in Regulation of Transcriptional Pause Release[J],2013.
APA Wen Liu.,刘文.,Qi Ma.,Kaki Wong.,Wenbo Li.,...&Michael G. Rosenfeld.(2013).Brd4 and JMJD6-Associated Anti-Pause Enhancers in Regulation of Transcriptional Pause Release..
MLA Wen Liu,et al."Brd4 and JMJD6-Associated Anti-Pause Enhancers in Regulation of Transcriptional Pause Release".(2013).
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