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两个语用原则与英、法、汉反身代词长距离照应特性; Two Pragmatic Principles and the Long Distance Anaphoric Properties of English, French and Chinese Reflexives
关键词感知者 叙述角度范畴 长距离约束 反身代词 subject of consciousness domain of point of view long distance binding reflexive pronoun
英文摘要本文介绍了zrIbIHErTz(1989)提出的两个语用原则:感知者和叙述角度范畴,并提述了英、法、汉三种语言的例证。由此说明,这两个语用原则的概念具有普遍意义,不管对英语、法语还是汉语都适用。本文同时也说明,英语反身代词“HIMSElf”等,法语反身代词“luIMêME”等和汉语“自己”都具有长距离约束照应现象,它们在语境中的分布及照应释义均可以由上述两个语用原则提供合理的描述和阐释; This paper relates the two pragmatic principles proposed by Zribi Hertz (1989): Subject of Consciousness (SC) and Domain of Point of View (DPV), to the anaphoric properties of English, French and Chinese reflexive pronouns that are long distance bound (LDB), that is, bound in discourse Chomsky′s (1981) Binding Principle A requires that an anaphoric pronoun be bound in its governing category A pronoun is said to be free in its governing cateogory A reflexive pronoun like, "himself" in English, "lui même" in French and "ziji" in Chinese falls into the set of anaphors in Chomsky′s definition According to Zribi Hertz (1989), Principle A may be subject to five distributional tests, to which another relevant one is added If a reflexive pronoun violates one of these six structural constraints, it is then, not local binding, but long distance binding It is observed that some of them may be violated by all the English, French and Chinese reflexive pronouns shown above So they can be taken as LDB reflexive pronouns Zribi Hertz′s (1989) predicts that if an English reflexive pronoun is LDB, it refers back to the Minimal SC, which serves as its antecedent。The concept SC is essentially similar to Kuno′s "logophoricity" (see Kuno 1987): SC is a category of discourse grammar It is a semantic property assigned to a referent whose thoughts or feelings, optionally expressed in speech, are conveyed by a portion of the discourse The Minimal SC is to be understood as the nearest available NP or combination of NPs (split antecedent) which occurs in discourse to the left of the pronoun, and is read as logophoric Zribi Herty (1989) assumes also that if English reflexive pronoun is LDB, it is not separated from its antecedent by a domain of point of view boundary A DPV may be informally defined as a portion of discourse which involves only one narrative point of view Two main types of narrative point of view must be distinguished: the objective point of view and subjective point of view A DPV is objective, if it describes facts as if they are part of objective reality, and a DPV is subjective, if it describes facts as filtered by a subject of consciousness So only a DPV subjective can include an English LDB reflexive pronoun A DPV subjective, however, can contain more than one SC According to the Principle of the Minimal SC, English LDB reflexive pronouns must be bound in the Minimal DPV Subjective, which contains only one SC。 This paper shows that these two pragmatic principles are also held by French and Chinese LDB reflexive pronouns The conclusion is that the reflexive pronouns of English, French and Chinese can be LDB and in this case they obey the two pragmatic principles proposed by Zribi Hertz (1989), and that these two pragmatic principles are universal in English, French and Chinese
GB/T 7714
李燕玉. 两个语用原则与英、法、汉反身代词长距离照应特性, Two Pragmatic Principles and the Long Distance Anaphoric Properties of English, French and Chinese Reflexives[J],1998.
APA 李燕玉.(1998).两个语用原则与英、法、汉反身代词长距离照应特性..
MLA 李燕玉."两个语用原则与英、法、汉反身代词长距离照应特性".(1998).
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