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SSR标记对籼稻品种的遗传多样性分析; Genetic Diversity Analysis Based on SSR in Indica Varieties
黄建勋 ; 张凯 ; 江良荣 ; 黄育民 ; 王侯聪
关键词水稻 微卫星标记 遗传多样性 相似系数 rice ( Or y z a sativa L. ) simple sequence repeats ( SSR) genetic diversity similarity coefficient
英文摘要作者简介: 黄建勋( 1978- ) , 男, 硕士研究生,通讯作者: lrjiang@ 126. com; [中文文摘]利用500多对SSR标记对广陆矮4号、珍汕97B、佳辐占、明恢86和明恢63 5个籼稻亲本品种进行遗传多样性分析.结果表明,佳辐占与明恢63、明恢86、珍汕97B和广陆矮4号之间的相似系数分别为78.1%、76.1%、72.8%和71.7%.相对而言,其相似系数越小,遗传距离越大,因此利用佳辐占与这些品种组配较有希望选育出品质优良、综合优势明显的新品系.同时研究表明,标记间平均距离为10 cM或小于10 cM时,分析所得结果较为可靠.[英文文摘]Genetic diversity between rice par ent s is t he key role for rice breeding. Using of hybrid advantage is important to improve the output and quality o f rice. Fully under standing of the g enet ic backg r ound o f r ice par ents has signif icant meaning in g uidance of choosing hy brid rice parent and exploring new genetic resource in rice. In this paper, we detected and analy zed genetic div ersity between Jiafuzhan and other four candidate indica variet ies by using more than 500 pairs of SSR markers. It show s that the similarity coefficient between Jiafuzhan and M inghui63, Minghui86, Zhenshan97B, and Guang luai4 is 78. 1%, 76. 1%, 72. 8% and 71. 7%, respectively. The similarity coefficients between Jiafuzhan and Ming hui series are higher than Jiafuzhan and the rest two candidates. In general, the similarity coeff icient s among these 5 v arieties are relatively low er, and genet ic distances are relatively higher. There is high possibility to cult ivate a new elit e v ariet y with distinct comprehensiv e super iority by hybriding Jiafuzhan with the rest var ieties. At t he same time, we discuss the most appr opriate number o f mar kers in g enetic diver sity analy sis. It show s that the r esult of genet ic diversit y analysis is more reliable when t he SSR interval on t he chromosomes is about 10 cM or fewer.; 国家“863”项目(2002AA211091)资助
出版者《厦门大学学报(自然科学版) 》编辑部
GB/T 7714
黄建勋,张凯,江良荣,等. SSR标记对籼稻品种的遗传多样性分析, Genetic Diversity Analysis Based on SSR in Indica Varieties[J],2006.
APA 黄建勋,张凯,江良荣,黄育民,&王侯聪.(2006).SSR标记对籼稻品种的遗传多样性分析..
MLA 黄建勋,et al."SSR标记对籼稻品种的遗传多样性分析".(2006).
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