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福建滨海地区竹类叶片及土壤养分分析; Study on the Nutrient Content of Bamboo Leaves and Soil in Coastal Region of Fujian
陈松河(厦门市园林植物园) ; 周海超 ; 黄克福(厦门市园林植物园) ; 刘开聪(厦门市园林植物园) ; 张佩箭(厦门市园林植物园) ; 包宇航(厦门市园林植物园)
关键词竹类叶片 土壤 养分 盐度 滨海地区 福建 bamboo leaf bamboo soil nutrient salinity coastal region Fujian
英文摘要第一作者简介:陈松河,男, 1968年出生,福建长泰人,研究员,硕士生导师,硕士,主要从事园林植物(竹类)分类、栽培与抗逆性研究。通信地址: 361003厦门市思明区虎园路 25号, Tel:0592-2039619,。; [中文文摘]为了研究福建滨海地区竹类叶片与土壤养分状况,对福建滨海3地厦门园博苑百竹园、莆田赤港华侨农场竹园和莆田湄洲岛竹类植物叶片和土壤养分进行实地调查取样分析。结果表明:3地17种竹类成熟叶片和衰老叶片氮(N)、磷(P)含量存在显著差异,且存在明显的地域性差异;竹类生长土壤氮(N)含量均值大小依次为厦门园博苑0.3697mg/g、莆田赤港0.2820mg/g、莆田湄洲岛0.1921mg/g;磷(P)含量均值大小依次为莆田湄洲岛0.3926mg/g、厦门园博苑0.3134mg/g、莆田赤港0.2152mg/g;莆田赤港和莆田湄洲岛10种竹类成熟叶片叶绿素a含量(Ca)和叶绿素b含量(Cb)均值比达到2.17,Ca和Cb间经11种单因子模型拟合,最优的拟合方程为:YA=0.9699+3.7374B-0.7166B2+0.0439B(3A代表Ca,B代表Cb),相关系数的平方达0.934,呈极显著相关关系;竹类植物盐害等级为0级的有5种,盐害等级为1级的有10种,盐害等级为2级的有2种,盐害等级为3级以上的未见。[英文文摘]In order to study nutrient status in bamboo leaves and soil,3 coastal region in Fujian, Xiamen Garden & Flower Expo (XMYB), Farm for Returned Overseas Chinese in Putian (PTCG) and Meizhou Island of Putian (PTMZ) were studied in this paper by field investigation and sampling analysis. The results were shown as follows: the content N and content P in mature and senescent of 17 species leaves in 3 coastal region were significant difference, also significant difference in region. The average value content N of bamboo soil inXMYB, PTCG, PTMZ were 0.3697, 0.2820, 0.1921 mg/g in turn. The average value content P of bamboo soil inPTMZ, XMYB, PTCG were 0.3926, 0.3134, 0.2152 mg/g in turn. The proportion of 10 mature bamboo speciesaverage value between content Ca and content Cb was 2.17, through 11 models of single factor analysis, the relation between the bamboo’s chlorophyll a content and chlorophyll b content accorded with model cubic: YA= 0.9699 + 3.7374B-0.7166B2 + 0.0439B3 (A stands for content Ca, B stands for content Cb), the square of itscorrelation coefficient was 0.934, it was very significant. Bamboo salt damage 0 degree had 5 species, 1 degreehad 10 species, 2 degree had 2 species, no species in 3-5 degree.; 厦门市科学技术局科研项目“竹类植物耐盐机理与筛选应用研究”(3502Z20102003);厦门市市政园林局科研项目“竹类植物在观赏园艺上的应用研究”(YK-2000-02)
GB/T 7714
陈松河(厦门市园林植物园),周海超,黄克福(厦门市园林植物园),等. 福建滨海地区竹类叶片及土壤养分分析, Study on the Nutrient Content of Bamboo Leaves and Soil in Coastal Region of Fujian[J],2012.
APA 陈松河,周海超,黄克福,刘开聪,张佩箭,&包宇航.(2012).福建滨海地区竹类叶片及土壤养分分析..
MLA 陈松河,et al."福建滨海地区竹类叶片及土壤养分分析".(2012).
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