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闽南文化研究的语言危机; The Language Problems in Minnan Cultural Studies
关键词闽南文化研究 濒危语言 Minnan cultural studies endangered language
英文摘要闽南文化的研究牵涉三种语言,要用闽南语进行调查、搜集资料;必须以汉语及英语发表研究报告,以与学术界对话,在交流中才能求进。由于对儿童学习语言的机制缺乏了解,以及文化自卑感作祟,台湾海峡两岸的闽南语文化区正面临严峻的语言问题。很多人认为学习闽南语会妨碍子女学习汉语及英语,因此刻意地不让子女学习母语。误认为生、长在汉人社会的汉人自然会说、写汉语及汉文,学校及家庭对学生的汉语说、写能力并不留意要加以训练提升。心急的父母将子女交给幼儿园或补习班不合格的“英语“老师手中,过早地扼杀子女学好英语的潜力。所以我们可以观察到一个三输的局面,年轻人不会说母语的闽南语,开口或下笔是粗俗不雅的汉语,耗费巨资及大量时间只不过学了些上不了台盘的洋泾滨英语。闽南语应该列入濒危的语言之一了,缺乏闽南语为研究工具的闽南文化研究也将无以为继。; In the Minnan culture studies area (a region of southern Fujian Province), three languages are involved, the local Minnan language in gathering research materials, and Mandarin and English to convey the research findings and to engage with the wider academic world to further the research.However, because of a lack of understanding of children's language development and widespread feelings of cultural inferiority among the people, Minnan communities on both sides of the Taiwan Straits face significant language problems.First, many parents believe that learning Minnan language will hinder their children's learning of Mandarin and English, so they intentionally prevent their children from learning their native Minnan language.Second is the belief that for children growing up and living in a Mandarin speaking society, learning Mandarin and written Chinese will naturally occur, thus parents and schools place minimal emphasis on intermediate and advanced spoken and written Chinese classes.Third is that parents entrusting their children's English learning to mostly incompetent "English teachers," most of whom are not native English speakers, who are commonly found in kindergartens and cram schools.This curtails their children's potential to learn fluent English during the most critical period in language development.What we observe here is a very grim situation: the young are unable to speak their native Minnan language; their oral and written expression in Chinese are simplistic and vulgar; and despite the significant money and time expended to teach them English, their facility in it is grossly inadequate.All of this seems to indicate that Minnan language is now an endangered language.There will be no more Minnan studies once there is no more Minnan language.
GB/T 7714
余光弘. 闽南文化研究的语言危机, The Language Problems in Minnan Cultural Studies[J],2013.
APA 余光弘.(2013).闽南文化研究的语言危机..
MLA 余光弘."闽南文化研究的语言危机".(2013).
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