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海水中--(137)Cs的快速富集与分析; Rapid enrichment and analysis of --(137)Cs in seawater
何建华 ; 陈立奇 ; 门武 ; 余雯 ; 尹明端
关键词海洋化学 137Cs 海水 快速富集 快速分析 富集效率 技术 marine chemistry 137Cs seawater rapid enrichment rapid analysis concentration efficiency technology
英文摘要以亚铁氰化铜(CufC)作为吸附剂,采用循环吸附的方法制备用于海水中137CS富集的富集材料,同时采用湿样制源的方法制备样品源.研究结果显示当流量在5.0、6.0 dM3/MIn,且富集体积保持在900 dM3以下时,对海水中137CS的富集效率保持在85%以上,且随富集体积的变化并不明显;当流量增大到7.0、8.0 dM3/MIn,且富集体积从500 dM3增大到1 000 dM3时,其富集效率从85%左右下降到75%左右,呈现出明显的下降趋势;而当流量进一步增大到10 dM3/MIn时,富集效率急剧下降到68%左右.研究结果表明,将流量控制在5.0--8.0dM3/MIn且富集体积在500 dM3以下时,可以在保证较高的富集效率的同时有效地减少富集时间,达到快速富集的目的.此外,湿样制源的方式缩短了样品前处理时间,提高了样品处理效率.本研究中所使用的海水中137CS的富集和分析方法总计耗时约需8H左右,只相当于传统分析方法耗时的1/5左右.; 137Cs,which emits β and γ rays,is an important nuclide released from a nuclear explosion or nuclear power plant.Once absorbed by humans or other animals,it accumulates in muscle tissue and adversely affects health.Investigation of the radioactivity of 137Cs in seawater is an important component of the background survey carried out before the construction of a nuclear power plant,but at present,the analysis of 137Cs in seawater is tedious and prolonged because of the inappropriate materials and complicated processing methods used.To adapt to the macro-trend of the development of nuclear power in China and to answer the call for rapid analysis of 137Cs in seawater,this work prepares impregnated cartridges for 137Cs in seawater employing a cycling method based on copper ferrocyanide(CuFC),which easily attaches to the support material because of its gelatinous form and highly selective absorption to 137Cs.Seawater was pumped through a series of four cartridges,two impregnated cartridges following two blank cartridges,and the impregnated cartridges were then directly transformed to have the same geometry after enrichment and were subjected to measurements with an HPGe γ detector.The results show that the concentration efficiency of a cartridge exceeded 85% when the flow was 5.0 or 6.0 dm3/min and the volume of seawater was kept below 900 dm3,decreased from 85% to 75% when the flow increased to 7.0 or 8.0 dm3/min and the volume of seawater increased from 500 to 1 000 dm3,and then dropped sharply to 68% when the flow increased to 10.0 dm3/min.The results show that the concentration efficiency of the cartridge is relatively high with shorter concentration time when flow was maintained between 5.0 and 8.0 dm3/min and the volume of seawater was kept within 500 dm3,and the sample preparation efficiency improved employing the wet sampling method.With the method proposed in this paper,the enrichment and determination time for 137Cs is about 8 hours,just one-fifth of that of the traditional method.; 国家海洋公益性行业科研专项经费资助项目(200705028)
GB/T 7714
何建华,陈立奇,门武,等. 海水中--(137)Cs的快速富集与分析, Rapid enrichment and analysis of --(137)Cs in seawater[J],2011.
APA 何建华,陈立奇,门武,余雯,&尹明端.(2011).海水中--(137)Cs的快速富集与分析..
MLA 何建华,et al."海水中--(137)Cs的快速富集与分析".(2011).
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