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福建近海蓝圆鲹种群遗传多样性的AFLP分析; Analysis of genetic diversity of Decapterus maruadsi in the coastal waters of Fujian Province
张丽艳 ; 苏永全 ; 丁少雄 ; 牛素芳 ; 刘东腾 ; 王军
关键词蓝圆鲹 遗传多样性 扩增酶切片段多态性 Decapterus maruadsi genetic diversity amplified fragment length polymorphism(AFLP)
英文摘要以往研究表明,福建近海的蓝圆鲹分属2个地理种群,即东海西部种群和闽南—粤东近海地方种群。为研究这两个群系的遗传结构,对蓝圆鲹闽东(30尾)和闽南(32尾)种群进行了AflP分析,8对选择性引物在2个种群62个个体中,共扩增出563个位点,其中多态位点364个。闽东和闽南种群的多态位点比例、nEI遗传多样性指数和SHAnnOn遗传多样性指数分别为62.70%、58.97%,0.1875、0.1809和0.2878、0.2763。与其他鱼类对比显示,福建近海蓝圆鲹种群的遗传多样性水平高,说明种群遗传结构尚未遭到明显破坏;基因分化系数gST、SHAnnOn遗传多样性指数和AMOVA分析均显示蓝圆鲹的遗传变异主要来源于种群内,而种群间无明显的遗传分化。nM显示2个种群间基因交流频繁。种群的显性基因型频率分布和位点差异数分布显示2个种群有基本相同的群体遗传结构。结果表明,蓝圆鲹闽东和闽南种群间无明显的遗传差异,因此可将福建海域的蓝圆鲹划归同一个管理保护单元。较强的扩散能力及海洋环流可能是造成福建近海蓝圆鲹种群间遗传同质性较高的原因。; Decapterus maruadsi in Fujian coastal waters has been facing considerable fishing pressure because the resources of main economic demersal fishes have been exhausted.The information of stock structure of different populations will give us theoretical guidance in planning management and conservation of natural resources and in genetic improvement programs.In this study,amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) was used to analyze the genetic diversity and variation of two populations of D.maruadsi from eastern and southern Fujian coastal waters.AFLP bands were scored for presence (1) or absence (0) and transformed into 0/1 binary character matrix.AMOVA and mismatch distribution analysis were performed in Arlequin,Nei genetic diversity and Shannon genetic diversity index were conducted in POPGEN,genetic distance between individuals were computed in Phyltools and the UPGMA tree was generated in MEGA.A total of 563 loci ranging in size from 100 bp to 450 bp were detected from 62 individuals using eight primer combinations,of which 364 were polymorphic.The number of bands per primer combination varied from 54 to 84 and the polymorphic bands per primer combination ranged from 45.83% to 84.44%.The proportion of polymorphic loci,the Nei genetic diversity and Shannon genetic diversity index of these two populations were 62.70 % and 58.97 %,0.187 5 and 0.180 9,0.287 8 and 0.2763, respectively,revealing no significant difference (P >0.05) between the two populations.The results showed that the genetic diversity of these two seemed at the same level.Compared with other fishes,the genetic diversity of D.maruadsi in the coastal waters of Fujian Province is above the middle level,with a higher genetic diversity, indicated that the population genetic structure of D.maruadsi had not been destroyed.Wide range of habitats, unbiased sex ratio and the characteristics of its distribution could be the causes for the higher genetic diversity.Gst value,Shannon genetic diversity index and AMOVA analysis indicated that the genetic variation mainly came from individuals within populations.The UPGMA tree based on genetic distance between individuals exhibited no correlation between clades and geographic distribution.Nm showed that there was frequent gene flow between the two populations.Mismatch distribution analysis and dominant gene frequency revealed that these two populations have the same genetic population structure.The results of AFLP analysis indicated that there is no significant genetic differentiation between two populations.Therefore,it draws a conclusion that D.maruadsi in the costal waters of Fujian Province can be assigned to the same management unit.Annual migrations and larval drift in the ocean currents could be the causes for little genetic structure in the studied area.However,AFLP markers are inherited as dominant markers,further studies utilizing codominant markers are needed for a better understanding of the genetic diversity of this fish.; 福建省科技计划项目(2007I0005)
GB/T 7714
张丽艳,苏永全,丁少雄,等. 福建近海蓝圆鲹种群遗传多样性的AFLP分析, Analysis of genetic diversity of Decapterus maruadsi in the coastal waters of Fujian Province[J],2010.
APA 张丽艳,苏永全,丁少雄,牛素芳,刘东腾,&王军.(2010).福建近海蓝圆鲹种群遗传多样性的AFLP分析..
MLA 张丽艳,et al."福建近海蓝圆鲹种群遗传多样性的AFLP分析".(2010).
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