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我国旅游上市公司规模经济与范围经济研究; Economies of Scale and Scope in China's Listed Tourism Enterprises
关键词规模经济 范围经济 广义超越对数成本函数 economies of scale economies of scope generalized translog cost function
英文摘要旅游上市公司规模经济和范围经济研究对企业避免盲目扩张、改善多元化经营效率具有非常重要的参考价值。应用广义超越对数成本函数对我国旅游上市公司的规模经济和范围经济状况进行分析,规模经济研究结果表明:多数旅游上市公司存在规模经济,但有减弱趋势,部分公司存在规模不经济,并有恶化倾向;景区类上市公司的规模经济状况最好。总体范围经济研究发现:大部分公司存在总体范围不经济,且总体范围不经济性逐渐增强;景区类上市公司的总体范围经济性最明显。特定产品范围经济研究显示,酒店业务与旅行社业务、景区业务与旅行社业务的组合经营可以形成范围经济效应,但酒店业务与景区业务、旅游业务与非旅游业务的组合经营存在范围不经济。; Research into economies of scale and economies of scope has important reference value,especially when policy makers of tourism companies are trying to avoid blind expansion and improve the efficiency of economic diversification.Based on a sample of thirteen listed tourism companies in China, this paper applies a generalized translog cost function to investigate economies of scale and scope in tourism enterprises.The empirical results show that: 1.economies of scale do exist in most of the listed tourism companies, however this advantage weakens as time passes; 2.some companies experience diseconomies of scale, the condition of which is deteriorating; and 3.the economies of scale of listed companies associated with scenic attractions are better than those of hotel listed companies and comprehensive tourism listed companies.For global economies of scope, the results show that: 1.most listed tourism companies experience global diseconomies of scope, which also has a tendency to produce economic deterioration; and 2.listed companies associated with scenic attractions experience the most obvious economies of scope.Specifically, the paper analyzes the product- specific economies of scope in three tourism businesses.From the empirical results, we can conclude that the business combination of hotel and travel agency, and/or tourist attractions and travel agency can produce economies of scope, however the business combinations of hotel and tourist attractions, and tourism and non- tourism, will produce diseconomies of scope.Based on these conclusions, the paper provides some suggestions on scale expansion and diversification for tourism listed companies.First, as a result of the weakened strength of cost reduction through scale expansion, tourism listed companies should take a more cautious and rational attitude towards growth.This should be adjusted according to the profitability of the industry as well as to the enterprise s size and ability to control costs.Second, to expand the benefits of scale economies, tourism listed companies should attach more importance to improving the market competitiveness and efficiency of resource use, make efforts to accumulate capital, talents, and efficient procurement systems, and invest in information technology.Besides the above actions, tourism companies should also develop featured tourism products according to the changing demands of tourists.For business diversification, tourism listed companies should reduce the scale of their nontourism activities, especially those that are irrelevant to tourism.Second, tourist attraction companies with better economic performance, and those that will assist in the operation of tourist attractions in the future, should consider developing a travel agency business.Those that are not performing well, but have the intention of transforming their business, should take into consideration developing a combination of a travel agency and their hotel business.Hotel listed companies, as a result of the diseconomies relating to hotel business and non-tourism business, should consider reducing the scale of their non-tourism activities and try to develop a travel agency.Comprehensive tourism listed companies can also take into consideration the development of new tourist attraction- based business.Finally, to improve the efficiency of diversification and expand the benefit of economies of scope, tourism listed companies should strengthen the promotion of their brand image.This can help new businesses enter the market more quickly, accumulate more professional management experience, and provide diverse skills training for employees, while also improving the efficiency of cooperation among firms in this business sector.This research also has some limitations, for example, the empirical results are based on a small sample, and thus may be inadequate to support the conclusions.Second, the research does not analyze the factors that influence economies of scale.
GB/T 7714
窦璐. 我国旅游上市公司规模经济与范围经济研究, Economies of Scale and Scope in China's Listed Tourism Enterprises[J],2015.
APA 窦璐.(2015).我国旅游上市公司规模经济与范围经济研究..
MLA 窦璐."我国旅游上市公司规模经济与范围经济研究".(2015).
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