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在资源与制度之间:农民工草根NGO的生存策略以珠三角农民工维权NGO为例; Sandwiched between Resources and Institutions:Survival Strategies of Rural Migrant Workers’ Grassroots NGOs
和经纬 ; 黄培茹 ; 黄慧
关键词草根组织 NGO 策略 农民工 维权 珠三角 grassroots organization NGO the Pearl River Delta protecting rights rural migrant worker strategy
英文摘要观察中国民间社会的发展,对草根组织的研究必不可少。近十年来,珠江三角洲严峻的劳权状况和政府、工会的缺位,催生出一批草根性农民工维权ngO。在中国民间非政府组织整体生存环境不佳的大背景下,由于涉及“劳权“、“人权“等的敏感议题,农民工维权ngO的发展举步维艰。面对制度和资源的双重制约,草根ngO为了生存,采取了一系列策略。它们的生存状况与所持的政治意识形态和维权理念密切相关;为了补充合法性资源,草根组织不得不着眼于制度外的道义正当性,以期获得社会的支持以及政府的默认;草根组织试图通过建立顾问委员会、理事会等方式获得知识精英的背书,有的还诉诸与政府官员的个人联系。新近出现的自体制内组建的ngO为研究珠三角农民工维权ngO提供了新素材。; Studying the grassroots organizations is indispensible if one wants to investigate the evolvement of China's folk societies.Over the past two decades,the serious problem with the workers’ labor rights and the absence of intervention by the government or the workers’ union in the Pearl River Delta have brought about a constellation of grassroots NGOs to protect the rural migrant workers’ rights.However,it has been very difficult for these NGOs to function in this overall unfavorable existential environment for non-government organizations in China,where labor rights and human rights are highly sensitive issues.Facing the dual institutional and resource constraints,these grassroots NGOs have been using a number of survival strategies.Their existential state correlates closely with their political ideology and right-protective ideas.They have to rely upon the moral legitimacy beyond the institution in order to obtain social support and the silent recognition from the government.They have also set up consulting committees and/or boards of directors to seek endorsement from the intellectual elite.Some even resort to personal relations with government officers.The recent NGOs constructed within the constitution have provided new data for studies on the rural migrant workers’ right-protecting NGOs in the Pearl River Delta.; “211工程”三期重点学科建设项目“珠江流域的文明进程与民族互动”课题资助
GB/T 7714
和经纬,黄培茹,黄慧. 在资源与制度之间:农民工草根NGO的生存策略以珠三角农民工维权NGO为例, Sandwiched between Resources and Institutions:Survival Strategies of Rural Migrant Workers’ Grassroots NGOs[J],2009.
APA 和经纬,黄培茹,&黄慧.(2009).在资源与制度之间:农民工草根NGO的生存策略以珠三角农民工维权NGO为例..
MLA 和经纬,et al."在资源与制度之间:农民工草根NGO的生存策略以珠三角农民工维权NGO为例".(2009).
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