CORC  > 集美大学
纪德华 ; 谢潮添 ; 陈昌生 ; 姚少铃 ; 徐燕 ; 柳佩娟 ; 梁艳 ; 王凤霞
2012-06-05 ; 2012-06-05
关键词坛紫菜 野生型 选育 品系 经济性状 Porphyra haitanensis wild type strain economical character selective breeding S968.43
其他题名The selective breeding of wild Porphyra haitanensis and its economical character
中文摘要从福建平潭岛不同生境采集的野生坛紫菜,经过2~3 a的筛选和培育获得野生品系b,c和d,通过体细胞酶解和自繁,获得丝状体和叶状体。实验结果表明:(1)野生选育品系b,c,d生长较快,日生长达3.25~3.75 cm/d,未选育的品系a日生长为2.12 cm/d,传统的养殖品种生长速度慢,日生长仅有1.37 cm/d;(2)选育的品系b对高温具有明显的耐受性,在高温30℃培养10 d,日平均增重率达4.34%,而对照组在水温27℃时培养5 d以上,藻体就开始腐烂;(3)品系b耐低氮、磷能力较强,在低氮、磷培养条件下,第9天色泽变为浅黄色,但没有腐烂死亡,此时将藻体移至含有氮、磷的正常培养液下培养3 d,藻体就可恢复正常,对照组的藻体在相同条件下,第6天藻体中部就开始糜烂,第9天叶片就有2/3溃烂;(4)在品质方面,品系b的总藻胆蛋白含量高达98.89mg/g,对照组的总藻胆蛋白含量仅有50.04 mg/g;本研究结果可为坛紫菜的遗传改良、野生品系选育及利用奠定基础。; The samples of wild Porphyra haitanensis were collected from different environment in Pingtan Island of Fujian Province.Through enzymolysis to somatic cells and their self-reproduction,the conchocelis and thallus of wild stain B,C and D were obtained after 2~3 years’selection and cultivation.The results are as follows:(1) The wild-selected strain B,C and D exhibited relatively faster growth,which was about 3.25~3.75 cm/d.The thallus growth of Strain A,which has not been selected,was about 2.12 cm/d.Traditional cultivated strain exhibited the slowest growth,only 1.37 cm/d.(2)Strain B exhibited remarkable resistance to high temperature.The increasing rate of weight per day could reach up to 4.34% after cultured for 10 days in 30 ℃,while the control stain began to rot after cultured for 5 days in 27 ℃.(3) Strain B exhibited remarkable tolerance to low capacity of N and P.In low nitrogen and phosphorus environments,the blade’s color of strain B became buff after 9 days’cultivation.But it recovered to normal condition after cultured for 3 days in seawater of normal content of nitrogen and phosphorus.However,the control group began to rot in the middle part of blade after 6 days and the rotten proportion was about 2/3 in 9th days in the same condition.(4) The phycobiliproteinin content of stain B was 98.89 mg/g,but the number was only 50.04 mg/g when it comes to control group.Therefore,strain B shows superiority in growth rate,high-temperature resistance and low-N-and-P tolerance.The results are helpful for genetic improvement,wild strains’selective breeding and utilization in P.haitanensis.; 【作者单位】集美大学水产学院; 集美大学水产学院 福建厦门361021; 福建厦门361021;【作者英文名】JI De-hua1,XIE Chao-tian1,CHEN Chang-sheng1,YAO Shao-ling1,XU Yan1,LIU Pei-juan1,LIANG Yan1,WANG Feng-xia1(1.Fisheries College of Jimei University,Xiamen 361021,China)
GB/T 7714
纪德华,谢潮添,陈昌生,等. 野生坛紫菜的选育及经济性状的研究[J].,2012, 2012.
APA 纪德华.,谢潮添.,陈昌生.,姚少铃.,徐燕.,...&王凤霞.(2012).野生坛紫菜的选育及经济性状的研究.
MLA 纪德华,et al."野生坛紫菜的选育及经济性状的研究". (2012).
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