CORC  > 清华大学
席劲瑛 ; 胡洪营 ; 武俊良 ; 姜仁善 ; XI Jin-ying ; HU Hong-ying ; WU Jun-liang ; KANG In-sun
2016-03-30 ; 2016-03-30
关键词挥发性有机物 行业 点源 气体特征 VOCs industry point source emission characteristics X511
其他题名Characteristics of VOCs Emitted from Point Sources in Different Industrial Sectors
中文摘要在调研552个工业VOCs点源案例的基础上,采用Origin 7.5软件统计分析了不同行业产生VOCs气体的特征.结果表明:工业点源产生VOCs气体的流量主要分布在103~105m3/h之间;其中,食品制造业,木材加工,印刷业和木、竹、藤、棕、草制品业等产生的VOCs气体流量较高,在104~105m3/h之间.各工业点源产生的ρ(TVOC)(VOCs气体质量浓度)主要分布在102~104mg/m3之间;其中,非金属矿物制品业、农副食品加工业、石油加工、炼焦和核燃料加工业、化学原料及化学制品制造业等行业产生的ρ(TVOC)较高,在103~104mg/m3之间.化学原料及化学制品制造业、医药制造业产生的VOCs种类较多;各行业产生的典型VOCs包括苯类、酯类、醇类、醛类、酮类等.该研究成果可为相关行业开展点源VOCs污染治理和控制技术选择提供参考依据.; Recently the air pollution caused by volatile organic compounds( VOCs) is drawing much attention in China. About half of the total VOCs from anthropogenic sources was reported coming from industrial sources,especially point sources. Although many studies related to the emission inventory of VOCs in different industrial types can be found from literatures,little is known about characteristics of industrial point source VOCs before they are treated by different techniques. A total of 552 industrial gaseous VOCs point sources before treatment were collected and analyzed in respect to different industrial categories. The results showed that the flow rates of VOCs from industrial point sources were mainly from 103to 105m3h,while the VOCs concentration ranged from 102to 104mgm3. Food manufacture, timber processing,printing represented the industries with high flow VOCs and their flowrates ranged from 104to 105m3h. Non-metallic products manufacture,agricultural and sideline product processing,oil refinery and chemicals manufacture represented the industries with high VOCs concentration ranging from 103to 104mgm3. There were more groups of VOCs found in chemical and pharmaceutical manufacture than in other industries. Aromatics,esters,alcohols,aldehydes,ketones were typical VOCs in different industries. The results could be used for evaluating different industrial VOCs sources and selecting of control techniques of VOCs pollution.
语种中文 ; 中文
GB/T 7714
席劲瑛,胡洪营,武俊良,等. 不同行业点源产生VOCs气体的特征分析[J],2016, 2016.
APA 席劲瑛.,胡洪营.,武俊良.,姜仁善.,XI Jin-ying.,...&KANG In-sun.(2016).不同行业点源产生VOCs气体的特征分析..
MLA 席劲瑛,et al."不同行业点源产生VOCs气体的特征分析".(2016).
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