CORC  > 清华大学
李静杰 ; Li Jingjie
2016-03-30 ; 2016-03-30
关键词陕北宋金石窟 佛教图像的类型与组合 grottos of the Song and Jurchen Jin dynasties in northern Shaanxi province types and combination of Buddhist images J309
其他题名Types and Classification of the Song and Jurchen Jin Dynasties Buddhist Murals in North Shaanxi's Grottos
中文摘要陕西北部北宋、金代石窟分布在以延安为中心的陕北高原,涉及至少13个市、县的近50个地点,北宋晚期至金代早期为基本发展期。石窟结构以各种类型佛坛窟为主体,大、中、小规格俱全。石窟图像绝大多数来源于唐、五代时期,可以分为主流、非主流两大类。图像组合以"三佛"(释迦佛、弥勒佛、阿弥陀佛)为主尊者居多,周围配置文殊与普贤菩萨、十六罗汉、涅槃与五百罗汉、水月观自在菩萨、千佛、万菩萨中的一种或几种图像,这些主流图像连同其他非主流图像共同构成石窟图像。各种不同功能的图像,采用叠加方式组织在同一石窟之中,同时表述多种佛教思想,形成显著区域和时代特征。所反映的往生净土、传承佛法、菩萨行、倡导孝行、现世救济思想,构成陕北宋金石窟的实质内涵。; Stone grottos datable to the Northern Song dynasty(960-1127) and the Jurchen Jin dynasty(1115-1234) are distributed in nearly 50 sites of at least 13 towns and counties on the plateau in north Shaanxi province centering on the city of Yan'an.Buddhist grottos of different types and sizes comprise the majority of the cave cluster.The murals are primarily datable to the Tang dynasty(618-907) and the Five Dynasties(907-960),and can be classified as mainstream and non-mainstream.Most of the combination of the protagonists in the murals is that of Shakyamuni,Maitreya,and Amitabah,usually complemented by images of Manjusri,Samantabhadra,the sixteen Arhats,Nirvana and the five hundred Arhats,Avalokitesvara,the Thousand Buddhas,and the Ten-thousand bodhisattvas,or any combination of them.These mainstream images with other non-mainstream images constitute the mural images of the grottos.Different images with different functions are displayed in a single cave to convey different Buddhist thoughts,showing distinguished regional or period characteristics.Themes such as the rebirth in the Pure Land,the dissemination and carrying-on of Buddhist doctrine,the bodhisattva practice,the virtue of filial piety,and this-life relief constitute the actual content of the Buddhist grottos of the Song dynasty and the Jurchen Jin dynasty.
语种中文 ; 中文
GB/T 7714
李静杰,Li Jingjie. 陕北宋金石窟佛教图像的类型与组合分析[J],2016, 2016.
APA 李静杰,&Li Jingjie.(2016).陕北宋金石窟佛教图像的类型与组合分析..
MLA 李静杰,et al."陕北宋金石窟佛教图像的类型与组合分析".(2016).
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