CORC  > 清华大学
陈泰锋 ; CHEN Tai-feng
2010-07-19 ; 2010-07-19
关键词金融危机 贸易保护主义 多边贸易体制 价值 financial crisis trade protectionism multilateral trading system evaluation F743
其他题名To Curb the Global Trade Protectionism:An Evaluation of WTO Multilateral Trading System
中文摘要目前,全球正陷入20世纪30年代大萧条以来首次最为严重的全球性经济衰退,而且这场危机尚未见底,仍在蔓延,对实体经济的影响不断加深。在金融危机的影响下,由于缺乏推动自由贸易的政治意愿和民意基础,加之迫于利益集团游说和选民压力,贸易保护主义已在全球范围内全面回潮。此次金融危机衍生成为全球性贸易保护主义浪潮,在使WTO多边贸易体制经历着严峻时代考验的同时,也迫使WTO扛起维护贸易自由化形象的旗帜,在对抗和遏制贸易保护主义过程中发挥更多的价值。世界经济何时止跌回升,在无法企及通过技术革命和制度创新来激发大规模投资的情况下,作为世界经济调整和复苏的重要牵引力,全球贸易则义不容辞地肩负着拯救世界经济的首要使命,而保障全球贸易率先复苏的全球多边贸易体制及尽早结束多哈回合谈判理应成为各国拯救世界经济的共同期待。; At present, the world is plunged into the most serious global economic recession since the Great Depression in 1930s. Moreover, the crisis has not yet bottomed out, is still spreading, the impact on the real economy continues to deepen. Under such circumstance, because of the lack of political will and popular support, in addition to lobbying and interest groups under pressure from voters, trade protectionism has been a compre-hensive global resurgence. The WTO multilateral trading system is experiencing severe tests of our times, it was forced to maintain the image of the banner of trade liberalization and play a much more valuable role in curbing the global trade protectionism. When will the world economy start climbing up? It cannot be expected to rely on technological revolution and the systematic innovation adopted to stimulate large-scale investment. As an important force of the world's economic adjustment and recovery, the global trade is duty-bound to shoulder the pri- mary mission of saving the world economy. The global multilateral trading system and the conclusion of the Doha Round negotiations as soon as possible, which is deemed to ensure that the global trade takes the lead in the world economic recovery, should naturally serve as common aspirations of the world's nations.
语种中文 ; 中文
GB/T 7714
陈泰锋,CHEN Tai-feng. 遏制全球贸易保护主义:基于WTO多边贸易体制的价值评价[J],2010, 2010.
APA 陈泰锋,&CHEN Tai-feng.(2010).遏制全球贸易保护主义:基于WTO多边贸易体制的价值评价..
MLA 陈泰锋,et al."遏制全球贸易保护主义:基于WTO多边贸易体制的价值评价".(2010).
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