CORC  > 清华大学
刘立 ; Liu Li
2010-07-15 ; 2010-07-15
会议名称第6届东亚科技与社会(STS)国际学术会议论文摘要集 ; Abstracts of 6th East Asian STS Conference ; 第6届东亚科技与社会(STS)国际学术会议 ; 6th East Asian STS Conference ; 中国沈阳 ; CNKI ; 中国自然辩证法学会
其他题名The Three Milestones in China' s Science and Technology Policy: Policy Revolution and Continuation: The Outline Report in 1975, The Decision in 1985, and The Decision in 1995
中文摘要<正> 1985年,中共中央颁布《关于科学技术体制改革的决定》,标志着中国科技体制改革的正式启动,至今已整整20个年头。该《决定》是中国科技政策的最顶层文件和最基础性文件,明确地提出了“经济建设必须依靠科学技术、科学技术必须面向经济建设”的科技方针,以及科技体制改革的具体内容,即改革运行机制、组织结构和人事制度。无论是从科技政策的理论意义上看,还是从科技体制改革的实践意义上看,1985年的《决定》是中国科技政策史上的一个重大里程碑,是一场划时代的革命。; The three milestones are, 1) The Outline Report of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 19 75 chiefly drafted by Hu Yaobang, 2) The Decision to Reform Chinese System of Science and Technology issued by the China Central Committee of the Communist Party (CCCCP), 3) The Decision to Accelerate the progress of Science and Technology issued by CCCCP and the State Council, respectively.Near the end of the Cultural Revolution, the Outline Report was approved by Deng Xiaopi ng, but not by Chairman Mao Zedong, thus it was not issued by the CCCP. Moreover, it was criticized politically. After the death of Mao and the arrest of the Gang of Four in 1976, the m ain ideas in the Outline Report such as Science and Technology are productive forces and the i ntellectuals belong to the working classes were established by Deng at the Opening Speech for t he Science Conference in 1978. Therefore, The Outline Report is a delayed policy revolution.During the reform of the Chinese Economic Reform, the deficiencies of Chinese System ofScience and Technology which was based on the Soviet Model were recognized, that is, its inability to transfer the S&T results in productive forces, among others. So, the leaders of the Party and the State initiated the reform of the system of S&T.The Decision in 1985 put forward the S&T guideline, that is, The economic constructions must rely on S&T and the S&T must face the needs of the economic constructions (in short, rely-face) . In addition, the Decision launched the reform of appropriation system. Since 1985, the S&T system underwent radical changes.Thus, a new paradigm of Chinese S&T policy ( rely-face paradigm) was established and a revolution of S&T policy occurred.The decision in 1995 put forward a new National Developmental Strategy, namely, Becomin g a economic power by utilizing Science, Technology and Education (in Chinese, Kejiao Xinggu o). It was a continuation of the policy paradigm and the revolution of S&T policy.The concluding remark is that Chinese S&T policy in the 21 century will still be dominate d by Deng Xiaoping Thoughts of S&T and the rely-face paradigm. And we formulate a new ve rsion of "people science" , i.e., science for the people, science of the people, and science by t he people.
语种中文 ; 中文
GB/T 7714
刘立,Liu Li. 中国科技政策的三个里程碑:政策革命与政策延续——对1975年《汇报提纲》、1985年《决定》和1995年《决定》的案例分析[C]. 见:第6届东亚科技与社会(STS)国际学术会议论文摘要集, Abstracts of 6th East Asian STS Conference, 第6届东亚科技与社会(STS)国际学术会议, 6th East Asian STS Conference, 中国沈阳, CNKI, 中国自然辩证法学会.
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