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基于IEC 61970的CIS服务与SVG的研究和实践
王志南 ; 吴文传 ; 张伯明 ; 何云良 ; 孙宏斌 ; 汪皓 ; 徐文 ; WANG Zhi-nan ; WU Wen-chuan ; ZHANG Bo-ming ; HE Yun-liang ; SUN Hong-bin ; WANG Hao ; XU Wen
2010-06-10 ; 2010-06-10
关键词公共信息模型 组件接口规范 可缩放矢量图形 能量管理系统应用程序接口 IEC61970 CIM CIS SVG energy management system application program interface (EMSAPI) IEC 61970 TM73
其他题名Study and Implementation of CIS and SVG Based on IEC 61970
中文摘要IEC61970为实现各电力信息系统标准化互联提供了技术基础。文中较完整地研究和实现了该标准的核心内容——组件接口规范(CIS)。重点介绍了包括公共信息模型(CIM)可扩展置标语言(XML)导入/导出、通用数据访问(GDA)和高速数据访问(HSDA)的所有组件接口的实现方法和面临的问题。以控制中心应用编程接口(CCAPI)图形系统交换格式方案草稿为参考,开发了一套基于可缩放矢量图形(SVG)的图形生成和Web交互的系统。从保证系统效率和可扩充性的角度,对系统结构和实现的关键技术进行了阐述。采用自动建立CIM库模式的方法来提高系统的可扩充性和灵活性;利用CIMXML导入过程中的双向关联自动补齐技术,提高系统运行效率和稳定性等。另外,在保证模型的完整性和CIS的效率方面也做了有益的改进。最后给出了应用于工程实际的系统测试结果,验证了所开发的系统的实用性。; IEC 61970 is one of the technical bases of integrating information systems in power companies. As the core of IEC 61970, the component interface specification (CIS) including the common information model (CIM) extensible markup language (XML) I/O, generic data access (GDA) and high-speed data acquisition (HSDA), is implemented in this paper. Furthermore, a scalable vector graphics (SVG) based graphic generating system based on Web is also developed, which is referred to as the draft of control center application program interface (CCAPI) common graphics exchange RFP. To improve the efficiency and flexibility, some key techniques are adopted in the CIM database building and CIM XML inputting modules. Some polished methods are also presented to guarantee the integrity of CIM and accelerate CIS service. An actual system has been developed and put into operation. The numerical results from operation show that the system proposed is practical and efficient.; 国家自然科学基金资助项目(50595414,50323002) 国家重点基础研究发展计划专项资助项目(2004CB217904)~~
语种中文 ; 中文
GB/T 7714
王志南,吴文传,张伯明,等. 基于IEC 61970的CIS服务与SVG的研究和实践[J],2010, 2010.
APA 王志南.,吴文传.,张伯明.,何云良.,孙宏斌.,...&XU Wen.(2010).基于IEC 61970的CIS服务与SVG的研究和实践..
MLA 王志南,et al."基于IEC 61970的CIS服务与SVG的研究和实践".(2010).
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