CORC  > 清华大学
刘芳 ; Liu Fang
2010-06-09 ; 2010-06-09
关键词多发性肌炎 肌炎,包涵体 综述文献 R746
其他题名Pathological and immunopathological changes of polymyositis and inclusion body myositis
中文摘要目的:综述多发性肌炎和包涵体肌炎的普通病理及免疫病理变化,以及其可能的发病机制。资料来源:应用计算机检索Medline1990-01/2006-04与多发性肌炎和包涵体肌炎相关文章,检索词“Polymyositis,Inclusionbodymyositis,pathology”,并限定文章语言种类为“English”。同时手工检索/或计算机检索万方数据库1990-01/2006-04的相关文章,限定文章语言种类为中文,检索词“多发性肌炎、包涵体肌炎、病理、免疫发病机制”。资料选择:对检索到的文献进行筛选,选择有关多发性肌炎和包涵体肌炎病理、免疫病理及其发病机制的文献,然后筛除明显不随机临床实验研究,对剩余的文献查找全文,进一步判断是否为随机对照临床研究(RCT)。纳入标准为RCT,无论是否为单盲、双盲或非盲法。资料提炼:共收集到30篇关于多发性肌炎和包涵体肌炎病理、免疫病理及发病机制研究方面的文献,18个实验符合纳入标准,排除的均为同一重复性研究。资料综合:18个实验包括580例患者,分别对多发性肌炎、包涵体肌炎病理和免疫病理及发病机制进行了阐述。多发性肌炎及包涵体肌炎均属于炎性肌病,两者有不同的临床及病理所见,但其免疫病理表现均为肌细胞膜表达主要组织相容复合体-Ⅰ分子,肌内膜浸润的炎性细胞主要为CD8+T淋巴细胞;而且两者的免疫病理机制均为以下几点:主要组织相容复合体-1复合体的抗原提呈作用、T细胞受体基因的重排、协同刺激分子的作用、以及细胞因子及黏附分子的分泌和表达等。结论:多发性肌炎和包涵体肌炎在免疫病理上有共同的特性,二者的发病机制也类似,均为异常免疫介导的自身免疫病。; OBJECTIVE:To review the common pathology,immunopathology and possible immunopathogenesis of polymyositis and inclusion body myositis.DATA SOURCES:With computer,a Medline search of English articles of polymyositis and inclusion body myositis published from January 1990 to April 2006 was performed in using the key terms of "Polymyositis,Inclusion body myositis,pathology".Meanwhile,the computer search of related Chinese articles published in Wanfang database between January 1990 and April 2006 was also performed with the of "Polymyositis,Inclusion body myositis,pathology,immunopathogenesis". STUDY SELECTION:After the raw screen on the data,pertinent literatures about pathology,immunopathology and possible immunopathogenesis of polymyositis and inclusion body myositis were selected.Non-randomized clinical trials were excluded,and randomized controlled trials(RCT)were included through the screen on full test to determine whether a RCT or not.Either single and double-blinded or non-blinded RCT were eligible. DATA EXTRACTION:Of the 30 extracted articles on pathology,immunopathology and pathogenesis of polymyositis and inclusion body myositis,only 18 articles were accorded with the inclusive criteria.The articles of the same repetitive research were excluded. DATA SYNTHESIS:Eighteen trials included a total of 580 patients discussed the pathology,immunopathology and immunopathogenesis of polymyositis and inclusion body myositis,respectively.Polymyositis and inclusion body myositis belong to inflammatory myopathy,and they had different clinical and pathological manifestation.However,their immunopathogenesis showed that myocyte membrane expressed major histocompability complex(MHC)-I molecule;Inflammatory cells infiltrated in endomysium were CD8+ T leukomonocyte;Their pathomechanism was as follows:MHC-1 molecule presenting angtigen,rearrangement of T cell receptor gene,effect of costimulatory molecules,secretion and expression of cytokine and adhesion molecule,etc. CONCLUSION:There are characteristic pathologic changes in polymyositis and inclusion body myositis respectively,which have the similar immunopathogenesis,both are abnormal immunity mediated autoallergic diseases.
语种中文 ; 中文
GB/T 7714
刘芳,Liu Fang. 多发性肌炎及包涵体肌炎的病理和免疫病理变化[J],2010, 2010.
APA 刘芳,&Liu Fang.(2010).多发性肌炎及包涵体肌炎的病理和免疫病理变化..
MLA 刘芳,et al."多发性肌炎及包涵体肌炎的病理和免疫病理变化".(2010).
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