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王京京 ; 宋玉静 ; 吴中朝 ; 初笑欧 ; 王巧妹 ; 王晓杰 ; 魏丽娜 ; 孟宏 ; 王晓红 ; WANG Jing-jing ; SONG Yu-jing ; WU Zhong-chao ; CHU Xiao-ou ; WANG Qiao-mei ; WANG Xiao-jie ; WEI Li-na ; MENG Hong ; WANG Xiao-hong
2010-06-09 ; 2010-06-09
关键词慢性疲劳 针灸疗法 随机对照试验 疲劳量表 Chronic fatigue syndrome Acupuncture Randomized controlled trials Fatigue scale R246.1
其他题名Randomized Controlled Clinical Trials of Acupuncture Treatment of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
中文摘要目的:观察针刺对慢性疲劳综合征(CFS)患者疲劳程度的影响。方法:采用随机(区组随机)、对照(非经穴点针刺)、单盲(第三者评价盲)的研究方法,将70例合格受试者按1∶1比例随机分成治疗组35例和对照组35例。治疗组针刺选取百会、膻中、中脘、气海、关元、合谷、足三里、三阴交、太冲、太溪、肝俞、脾俞、肾俞;对照组选择非经穴点进行针刺。每周针刺3次,共14次。参照英国Chalder等开发的疲劳量表对患者治疗前后的疲劳程度进行测评。结果:脱落6例,最终完成64例,两组各32例。治疗组:疲劳量表总积分治疗前后分别为(9.9±2.5)分和(6.8±3.8)分;体力疲劳积分治疗前后分别为(6.8±1.5)分和(5.0±2.4)分;脑力疲劳积分治疗前后分别为(3.1±1.5)分和(1.8±1.8)分。治疗组治疗前后此3项指标的差异均有统计学意义(P<0.01)。对照组:疲劳量表总积分治疗前后分别为(9.6±2.8)分和(7.5±3.4)分;体力疲劳积分治疗前后分别为(6.4±1.5)分和(5.0±2.5)分;脑力疲劳积分治疗前后分别为(3.2±1.6)分和(2.5±1.6)分。对照组治疗前后疲劳量表总积分及体力疲劳积分的差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),但脑力疲劳积分的差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论:穴位针刺后,CFS患者的疲劳程度,尤其是脑力疲劳程度得到明显缓解。经穴点的特异程度高于非经穴点。; Objective To observe the effect of acupuncture on the fatigue degree in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome(CFS).Methods Seventy CFS patients were equally randomized into control and treatment groups according to randomized block design.Acupuncture was applied to Baihui(GV 20),Danzhong(CV 17),Zhongwan(CV 12),etc.,for patients in treatment group,and to non-acupoints(2 cm respectively to the abovementioned acupoints)for those in control group.The treatment was given once every other day,14 times altogether.The fatigue degree and the therapeutic effect were assessed by Chalder's fatigue scale(FS).Results A total of 64 cases(32/group)were finished in this study.After the treatment,the physical FS(5.0�4 vs 6.8�5),mental FS(1.8�8 vs 3.1�5)and the total FS(6.8�8 vs 9.9�5)in treatment group,physical FS(5.0�5 vs 6.4�5)and the total FS(7.5�4 vs 9.6�8)in control group decreased significantly compared with pre-treatment(P<0.01,P<0.05).There was no marked change in mental FS(2.5�6 vs 3.2�6)in control group after the treatment(P>0.05).Comparison between two groups showed no significant differences in the 3 indexes(P>0.05).Conclusion Acupuncture can relieve CFS patients' physical and mental fatigue and the therapeutic effect of acupuncture of acupoints is relatively better than that of non-acupoints in reducing mental fatigue.; 国家中医药管理局中医药科技专项资助项目(No.04-05LQ05)
语种中文 ; 中文
GB/T 7714
王京京,宋玉静,吴中朝,等. 针刺对慢性疲劳综合征患者疲劳程度影响的随机对照观察[J],2010, 2010.
APA 王京京.,宋玉静.,吴中朝.,初笑欧.,王巧妹.,...&WANG Xiao-hong.(2010).针刺对慢性疲劳综合征患者疲劳程度影响的随机对照观察..
MLA 王京京,et al."针刺对慢性疲劳综合征患者疲劳程度影响的随机对照观察".(2010).
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