CORC  > 清华大学
顾朝林 ; 庞海峰 ; GU Chao-lin ; PANG Hai-feng
2010-06-08 ; 2010-06-08
关键词城市集聚区 城市连绵带 演化过程 客讷尔(Kerael)分析方法 urban agglomerates megalopolis evolvement Kernel analysis F299.2
其他题名On the evolvement processes of Chinese urban agglomerates
中文摘要建国以来,中国大陆城市集聚区空间格局发生了深刻的变化。根据城市人口分布Kernel密度对中国城市集聚区的空间分布和演化过程进行分析。中国城市集聚区自1949年的京津、辽中和长三角3个城市集聚区开始发育,到2003年其空间格局已形成"长三角—山东半岛—苏鲁皖边界"、"京津冀—中原—晋中"和珠三角等三大城市连绵区、11个城市集聚区和9个城市集聚发育区。从中国城市密集区的空间演变过程可以推测,中国在未来几十年内发育新的城市集聚区的可能性和数量都较为有限,城市密集区的演变趋势主要表现为:原有处于发育阶段的城市集聚区的进一步形成;原有城市密集区之间通过空间拓展出现空间衔接,并形成地域范围更大的城市连绵带。; The spatial structure of the urban agglomerates in the mainland of China has changed comprehensively since the foundation of the People's Republic of China.This paper analyzes the spatial distributions and evolvement of Chinese urban agglomerates with the Kernel Intensity of urban population distribution.It contends that Chinese urban agglomerates areas began in 1949 with Beijing-Tianjin,Middle of Liaoning and Yangtze River Delta agglomerates,then developed a lot till 2003,such as 3 megalopolises including the "Yangtze River Delta-Shandong Peninsula-boundaries of Jiangsu,Shandong and Jiangxi","Beijing Tianjin Hebei-Middle of China-Middle of Shanxi" and Pearl River Delta,11 urban agglomerates and 9 urban agglomerate developing areas.It also points out that from the spatial evolvements of Chinese urban agglomerates it can be speculated that the possibilities and quantity of new developing urban agglomerates are very restrictive in the after decades,and the evolvement trend of urban agglomerates can be shown as follows: on one side,the original developing urban agglomerates will be further formed into shapes;on the other side,the original urban agglomerates will join with each others through spatial extensions,then form the megalopolises with broader scope in the very regions.; 国家自然科学基金重点项目(40435013)——中国城市化类型、过程与机理研究; 教育部博士点基金项目——中国城市化类型、过程与机理研究
语种中文 ; 中文
GB/T 7714
顾朝林,庞海峰,GU Chao-lin,等. 中国城市集聚区的演化过程[J],2010, 2010.
APA 顾朝林,庞海峰,GU Chao-lin,&PANG Hai-feng.(2010).中国城市集聚区的演化过程..
MLA 顾朝林,et al."中国城市集聚区的演化过程".(2010).
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