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迪丽娜·马合木提 ; 卫荣 ; 欣咔莲咔·柳玻芙·尼库拉耶夫纳 ; 张学学 ; Dilina Mahemuty ; WEI Rong ; Xinkarenko Liubov Nikulaevna ; ZHANG Xue-xue.
2010-06-08 ; 2010-06-08
关键词维医沙疗 热效应 皮肤组织 Sand therapy of Uyghur medicine Heat effect Skin R29
其他题名A study of heating effects of therapeutic sand on skin as used in the Uyghur medicine
中文摘要目的探讨维医沙疗的生物组织热效应。方法采用2700型多通道数据采集仪,采集沙疗过程中人体体表温度的动态变化数据,应用皮肤表层组织温度响应方程,计算人体皮肤浅层组织在不同时间段及温度场的热效应状况。结果每年6月中旬至8月中旬,下午15∶00~18∶00时沙疗所气温为(40±2.3)℃,离沙丘表面10~20cm深处沙温可保持在(38.0±4.6)℃。沙疗过程中人体皮肤表层在43℃热沙作用下皮肤表面温度迅速升高(达39℃以上),由于汗液蒸发散热(释热)等,从皮肤表面到皮肤浅层组织的温度逐渐下降,皮肤浅层(X=2.08mm)的温度是(36.0±0.3)℃。2~3h后,皮表温度降至(36.0±0.6)℃,并保持基本不变。结论43℃热沙对皮肤组织不会产生损伤,人体与沙体逐渐达到热平衡,是较理想的沙温;维医沙疗较佳条件为:每年6月中旬至8月中旬,每天下午15∶00~18∶00时,气温在(40.0±2.3)℃,离沙丘表面10~20cm处,沙温保持在(38.0±4.6)℃,每次埋沙0.5~1.0h。; Objective To study the heating effect on skin of the therapeutic sand used in the Uyghur medicine. Methods We have continuously collected data of the dynamically changing surface body temperature during the course of sand therapy. Having applied the surface skin response equations, we calculated the situational effects on surface skin tissue by examining different temperature fields and time segments. All the data was collected by a 2 700 type multichannel data collection apparatus. Results It was found that, in the period of mid June to mid August every year, the air temperature of the sand therapy facility was 40±2.3℃ at the time 15∶00 to 18∶00 in the afternoon and the sand used as a medicinal poultice could be maintained at the temperature of 38±4.6℃ at the depth of 20 cm from the surface of the sand. During the process of sand therapy, the skin surface temperature rises rapidly, up to 39℃,but the skin surface temperature falls subsequently, as the heat stimulates perspiration and the cooling effect of evaporation takes place to 36±0.32℃. Two to three hours later, the surface skin temperature gets stable and maintained at 36±0.6℃. Conclusion When the sand temperature reached 43℃, it could not hurt the skin and tissue, because the body temperature could balance with sand temperature at an ideal temperature for the skin. The ideal time for sand therapy is during the period from June and August, at 15∶00~18∶00 every day. When the air temperature reaches 40±2.3℃, the sand temperature will be below 38±4.6℃. Under these conditions the human body should be buried under the sand at the depth of 20 cm for a period of one half to one hour to achieve therapeutic effects.; 国家自然科学基金资助项目(No.30360126)
语种中文 ; 中文
GB/T 7714
迪丽娜·马合木提,卫荣,欣咔莲咔·柳玻芙·尼库拉耶夫纳,等. 维医沙疗皮肤组织的热效应分析[J],2010, 2010.
APA 迪丽娜·马合木提.,卫荣.,欣咔莲咔·柳玻芙·尼库拉耶夫纳.,张学学.,Dilina Mahemuty.,...&ZHANG Xue-xue..(2010).维医沙疗皮肤组织的热效应分析..
MLA 迪丽娜·马合木提,et al."维医沙疗皮肤组织的热效应分析".(2010).
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