CORC  > 清华大学
刘永亮 ; 孔祥明 ; 邹炎 ; 阎培渝 ; LIU Yong-liang ; KONG Xiang-ming ; ZOU Yan ; YAN Pei-yu
2010-06-07 ; 2010-06-07
关键词水泥沥青砂浆 水泥沥青胶凝材料 黏弹性 动态模量 滞后角 cement asphalt mortar cement asphalt binder visco-elasticity dynamic modulus lag angle U414
其他题名Static and dynamic mechanical behavior of cement asphalt mortars
中文摘要研究了3种典型水泥沥青胶凝材料的动态力学行为和不同A/C的水泥沥青砂浆的静动态力学行为。采用动态黏弹谱仪测试水泥沥青胶凝材料的动态模量和滞后角随加载频率的变化关系。采用电液伺服控制材料万能试验机研究了水泥沥青砂浆静态抗压、动态周期性压力荷载下的力学行为。结果表明:对同一水泥沥青胶凝材料,动态模量随频率的增大而增大;对不同水泥沥青胶凝材料,随着A/C的增大,动态模量减少而滞后角增大,表明其黏弹性越发显著;水泥沥青砂浆的抗压强度、弹性模量以及破坏能随A/C的增大而减少,且变化规律基本相似;水泥沥青砂浆的动态模量随A/C以及加载频率的变化规律与其胶凝材料的规律基本一致。基于标准固体模型,通过对水泥沥青砂浆的动态模量拟合得到其力学模型中各基本元件的力学参数,从而实现了对水泥沥青砂浆力学行为的完全本构表征。; Static and dynamic mechanical behaviors of cement asphalt binders(CABs) and cement asphalt mortars(CAMs) with different A/C were studied.Dynamic modulus and lag angles of CABs were measured by Dynamic Mechanical Analysis(DMA) apparatus.Mechanical properties of CAMs were tested by the MTS(Material testing system) under both static and dynamic loads.The results indicated that the dynamic modulus of the cement asphalt binder increasel with the loading frequency.For CABs with different A/C,lag angle increased with the increasing of A/C,implying the more remarkable visco-elasticity feature when more asphalt is incorporated into CAB.The compressive strength,the elastic modulus and the damage energy of CAMs decrease with the increasing of A/C.The dynamic modulus of CAMs show the same trend as that of CABs with the change of A/C or loading frequency.Standard solid model is applied to describe the mechanical behavior of CAMs and all mechanical parameters are calculated by fitting the dynamic modulus of CAMs into the model.Therefore the mechanical behavior is fully simulated and the simulated features are in line with those from experimental testing.; 铁道部“客运专线无砟轨道技术再创新(B子课题)”资助项目; 国家自然科学基金资助项目(50802050)
语种中文 ; 中文
GB/T 7714
刘永亮,孔祥明,邹炎,等. 水泥沥青砂浆的静动态力学行为[J],2010, 2010.
APA 刘永亮.,孔祥明.,邹炎.,阎培渝.,LIU Yong-liang.,...&YAN Pei-yu.(2010).水泥沥青砂浆的静动态力学行为..
MLA 刘永亮,et al."水泥沥青砂浆的静动态力学行为".(2010).
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