CORC  > 清华大学
张强哲 ; 秦曦明 ; 董海丽 ; 梁荣 ; 何宏轩 ; 李希 ; 姜北宇 ; 刘湘军 ; 段明星 ; ZHANG Qiang-Zhe ; QIN Xi-Ming ; DONG Hai-Li ; LIANG Rong ; HE Hong-Xuan ; LI Xi ; JIANG Bei-Yu ; LIU Xiang-Jun ; DUAN Ming-Xing
2010-06-07 ; 2010-06-07
关键词H5N1禽流感病毒 DNA疫苗 电穿孔免疫 H5N1 AIV, DNA vaccine, immunized by electroporation S852.65
其他题名Efficient Protection of H5N1 Influenza Virus DNA Vaccine Delivering by Electroporation in Mammalian and Avian System
中文摘要为了研究H5N1DNA疫苗对小鼠和鸡的保护效率,用H5N1禽流感病毒HADNA疫苗免疫BALB/c小鼠和SPF鸡.小鼠和鸡分别经电穿孔和肌肉注射免疫两次,间隔为3周.二次免疫后,用致死量的同源病毒进行攻毒实验.空白对照组在攻毒后全部死亡,而经电穿孔免疫的小鼠和鸡均获得了完全的保护,并能有效地抑制病毒在小鼠肺脏和鸡泄殖腔的繁殖.同时,电穿孔免疫的小鼠和鸡均产生了高水平的特异性抗体.经电穿孔免疫的小鼠攻毒后CTL反应明显加强.这些结果表明,HADNA疫苗能有效地保护小鼠和鸡对禽流感病毒的感染,同时也表明电穿孔免疫是DNA疫苗免疫的有效途径之一.; To investigate the protection effect of DNA vaccine in mammalian and avian systems, the DNA vaccine was inoculated in both BALB/c mice and SPF chickens immunized with DNA vaccines encoding hemagglutinin (HA) from A/Goose/GuangDong/1/96 (H5N1) virus. The mice and chickens were immunized twice, 3 weeks apart, by electroporation into muscles or intramuscular injection. Two weeks after the second immunization, the mice and chickens were challenged with a lethal dose of homologous virus. The mice and chickens immunized by electroporation obtained completely protection against the virus, and could effectively inhibited viruses to replicating in mouse lung and chicken cloaca. At the same time, these protections were companied by high levels specific antibody to H5N1 AIV, while the blank plasmid controls experience 100 percent mortality following challenge. Furthermore, in the experiment of mice by eletroporation, stronger obviously CTL activity were observed after challenge. Thus, the cellular immune responses of the mice immunized by electroporation were exhibited. These results strongly demonstrate that HA DNA vaccines provide effective protection against influenza virus infection in mammalian and avian, and suggest that electroporation is one of the efficient gene delivery systems for the transfer of influenza DNA vaccine in both humoral immunity and cellular immunity.
语种英语 ; 英语
GB/T 7714
张强哲,秦曦明,董海丽,等. 用电穿孔方法研究H5N1禽流感病毒DNA疫苗对动物的免疫保护作用(英文)[J],2010, 2010.
APA 张强哲.,秦曦明.,董海丽.,梁荣.,何宏轩.,...&DUAN Ming-Xing.(2010).用电穿孔方法研究H5N1禽流感病毒DNA疫苗对动物的免疫保护作用(英文)..
MLA 张强哲,et al."用电穿孔方法研究H5N1禽流感病毒DNA疫苗对动物的免疫保护作用(英文)".(2010).
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