CORC  > 清华大学
张国刚 ; ZHANG Guo-gang
2010-06-07 ; 2010-06-07
关键词唐史研究 唐宋变革 士大夫 婚姻家庭 科举制 礼制 Research of Tang history the theory of Tang and Song transformation scholar-bureaucrat marriage and family imperial examination system ritual system K242
其他题名A Review on Several Hot Spots of the Tang Study since the Reform and Opening Up
中文摘要虽说学术研究并不完全是政治气候的晴雨表,但政治开明、思想解放毫无疑问是学术事业发展的基础条件。由于改革和开放,30年来中外学术交流之渠道畅达,海外学术著作的翻译与介绍也日渐增多,海外学者的研究方法和理论对于国内中古史研究也有很明显的影响。比较突出的是,关于唐宋变革的讨论引起许多学者的关注,关于士人身份、基层社会、婚姻家庭等社会史研究取得长足的进步,政治制度史、礼制和法制、中外关系等领域的研究也有很大突破。这些成绩的取得除了中外学术界的互相激荡之外,还与史料的整理、出土文献的刊布以及实行学位制度以来大批博士、硕士研究生充实了唐史研究队伍等因素有关。; although the academic study is not the barometer of the political weather,it is still no doubt that bright politics and emancipated minds are the base conditions to develop the academic career.Since the reform and opening up,the channel of Sino-foreign academic intercourse is smooth,and the translation and introduction of the foreign academic works are increased,and the study methods and theories from the foreign scholars have also obviously influenced the domestic study of ancient Chinese history.It is striking that many scholars have paid attention to the Theory of Tang and Song Transformation.Great progress has been made in the studies of the social history on the status of Shi(士),the grass-roots community,and the marriage and family history.The studies on the realms of the political institution history,the ritual system and the law system,the Sino-foreign relationship have also made great breakthrough.All these achievements are attributed not only to the mutual prompting of the Sino-foreign academia,but also to the cleaning up of the historical materials and the publication of the excavated literatures.Furthermore,a number of graduate students with doctoral and master degrees have enriched the team of the Tang study.
语种中文 ; 中文
GB/T 7714
张国刚,ZHANG Guo-gang. 改革开放以来唐史研究若干热点问题述评[J],2010, 2010.
APA 张国刚,&ZHANG Guo-gang.(2010).改革开放以来唐史研究若干热点问题述评..
MLA 张国刚,et al."改革开放以来唐史研究若干热点问题述评".(2010).
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