CORC  > 清华大学
谢天成 ; 李应博 ; XIE Tian-cheng ; LI Ying-bo
2010-06-07 ; 2010-06-07
关键词外商直接投资(FDI) 空间自相关 空间演化 江苏省 foreign direct investment(FDI) spatial autocorrelation spatial evolvement Jiangsu Province. F127
其他题名Research on Spatial Disparity and Evolution of FDI in Jiangsu Province from 1990a
中文摘要江苏省自1990年以来外向型经济的快速发展推动着外商直接投资区域空间格局的演变。采用1990-2006年江苏省各县、市(市辖区)FDI数据,首先计算、分析了各区域单元FDI总量的变化与特征,描述了区域FDI发展的不平衡性,进而采用全局空间自相关与局部空间自相关理论,定量表示出江苏省自1990年以来FDI空间格局的动态演化过程及趋势。结果表明:江苏省FDI增量主要集中在苏南地区,苏北与苏南FDI的差距进一步拉大;区域单元实际利用外资的过程存在较强的空间自相关性,自1999年以来空间自相关性有所增强;FDI呈现显著的空间集聚模式,并且集聚态势越来越显著;以苏州市辖区、无锡市辖区为核心的苏南地方,成为江苏省FDI发展的核心区域,而苏北与苏中大部分区域,则沦为FDI发展的外围地带。; Jiangsu Province is the biggest region of foreign direct investment(FDI) in China.Its spatial pattern of FDI has been influenced by the development of the export-oriented economy since 1990.Study on the spatial distribution and evolutional process of FDI can help us understand the spatial transferring characteristics,and the changes and development trend of FDI more accurately.It is also of great significance to develop regions of Jiangsu Province scientifically and rationally.Based on the data of the FDI during 1990 and 2006,the paper quantitatively analyzes spatial disparity of FDI,introduces the concept of spatial autocorrelation,and expresses developing evolvement of FDI.The results indicate that the FDI is mainly distributed in the south of Jiangsu Province and the disparity between the south and the north has renlarged to some extent.There is a spatial autocorrelation in the process of attracting FDI for regional unites and the tendency enhancing since 1999.FDI shows an obvious spatial agglomeration.The regions including the municipal district of Suzhou and the municipal district of Wuxi,developed to be the core corridors of FDI,while the north and the middle of Jiangsu Province developed to be the peripheral zones.; 昆山市台办委托课题“全球化背景下昆台合作创新的模式、机制与政策研究”资助
语种中文 ; 中文
GB/T 7714
谢天成,李应博,XIE Tian-cheng,等. 1990年以来江苏省外商直接投资空间格局动态演化研究[J],2010, 2010.
APA 谢天成,李应博,XIE Tian-cheng,&LI Ying-bo.(2010).1990年以来江苏省外商直接投资空间格局动态演化研究..
MLA 谢天成,et al."1990年以来江苏省外商直接投资空间格局动态演化研究".(2010).
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