CORC  > 清华大学
王绍光 ; 何焕荣 ; 乐园 ; Wang Shaoguang
2010-06-07 ; 2010-06-07
关键词政策导向 国家汲取能力 卫生保健公平性 R197.1
其他题名State Policy Orientation,Extractive Capacity and the Equality of Healthcare in Urban China
中文摘要改革以后,中国政府在承担卫生保健职能方面的意愿和能力发生了变化,本文考察了这些变化对城镇卫生保健筹资和服务公平性的影响。文章分析了在强大财政压力下城镇医疗保险制度的演变过程,以及政府对公立医疗机构的政策转变对医疗服务提供者行为的影响,从需求和供给两个方面解释了卫生保健筹资不公平、医疗成本上涨等现象的成因。基于三次国家卫生服务调查的结果,文章对中国城市卫生保健筹资和服务利用的不平等程度进行了实证分析。结论是以市场为导向的卫生改革不但没有解决医疗费用上涨问题,反而加剧了这一问题,在医疗保障体系不完善的情况下,降低了弱势人群对卫生服务的获取,使得卫生保健的公平性受到极大的损害。为了解决这个问题,政府应该改变政策导向、加强汲取能力,从而能够在重建覆盖全体居民的公平、可及的基本卫生服务体系中发挥更大的作用。; The will and capacity of the Chinese government in assuming healthcare functions have changed greatly since the reform. This paper explores the impact of such changes on equity in the financing and provision of service in healthcare in urban China. The author briefly traces how China's urban health insurance has evolved under acute fiscal stress, investigates how the shift of government policy in relation to public healthcare agencies has affected the behaviors of healthcare providers, and explains some phenomena such as unequal healthcare financing and rising costs from the perspectives of demand and supply. Based on three National Health Services Surveys (1993, 1998, 2003), the author empirically examines the degree of inequality in healthcare financing and delivery in urban China. The article concludes that the market-oriented health reform in urban China has exacerbated the cost problem that it intended to solve, reduced access to health services for the most vulnerable, and increased the instances of illness-induced poverty. To solve the problem, the government should reorient its policies and increase its extractive capacity, so as to play a more important role in restoring an equal and accessible basic healthcare system that covers all residents.
语种中文 ; 中文
GB/T 7714
王绍光,何焕荣,乐园,等. 政策导向、汲取能力与卫生公平[J],2010, 2010.
APA 王绍光,何焕荣,乐园,&Wang Shaoguang.(2010).政策导向、汲取能力与卫生公平..
MLA 王绍光,et al."政策导向、汲取能力与卫生公平".(2010).
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