CORC  > 清华大学
彭刚 ; PENG Gang
2010-05-17 ; 2010-05-17
关键词客观性 相对主义 叙事主义 K09
其他题名Relativism,Narrativism and the Question of Objectivity in History
中文摘要在20世纪西方史学和史学理论领域中,客观性这一历史学传统的核心价值和信念遭受了两次较大的冲击:20世纪二三十年代的史学相对主义思潮以及70年代以降的后现代主义思潮。叙事主义就是后现代主义思潮在史学理论领域的主要体现。相对主义以历史学所无法离弃的选择性和主观性、叙事主义以标示出历史文本的伦理和审美的层面以及对于历史文本整体特性的强调,而对客观性提出了质疑。但历史学的客观性在经历这些冲击之后,并未丧失其成立依据,我们需要在更为谨慎、更多限定的意义上来讨论客观性。历史实在和历史学家的技艺,既是我们维系历史学客观性的依据,也是在进一步对其进行探讨时所需要着重考虑的要素。; Historical objectivity which has been held as the central value and basic faith of the historical profession has experienced serious challenges since the early 20th century for twice,one came from the historical relativists,such as Charles Beard and Carl Becker in the 1920s and 1930s,and the other was raised by the postmodernist currents of which the narrativist orientation was the concrete embodiment in the field of historical theory. If the selectedness and subjectivity that historiography and historians cannot cleansed off themselves has been rendered as the main reasons in the relativist critique of objectivity,then,what the narrativists used to do the same thing were the ethical and aesthetic dimensions of historical texts and some characters of historical texts seen as a whole it disclosed. Analysis of the above theses assured the present authors to suggest that objectivity in history can be still held,but we should discuss it in a much more moderate way and add certain qualifications on it. The existence of historical reality and the crafts of historical profession should be affirmed,and they should be taken into consideration as much more important factors than before if we still want to get historical objectivity warranted.
语种中文 ; 中文
GB/T 7714
彭刚,PENG Gang. 相对主义、叙事主义与历史学客观性问题[J],2010, 2010.
APA 彭刚,&PENG Gang.(2010).相对主义、叙事主义与历史学客观性问题..
MLA 彭刚,et al."相对主义、叙事主义与历史学客观性问题".(2010).
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