CORC  > 清华大学
韩慧龙 ; 汤晶 ; 江皓 ; 张敏莲 ; 刘铮 ; HAN Hui-long ; TANG Jing ; JIANG Hao ; ZHANG Min-lian ; LIU Zheng
2010-05-13 ; 2010-05-13
关键词生物强化 生物修复 石油污染土壤 刺孢小克银汉霉菌 阴沟肠杆菌 协同降解 bioaugmentation bioremediation petroleum contaminated soil Cun.echinulata E.cloacae synergistic biodegradation X53
其他题名Synergy Between Fungi and Bacteria in Fungi-Bacteria Augmented Remediation of Petroleum-Contaminated Soil
中文摘要提出并研究了真菌和细菌协同强化原位修复石油污染土壤.从中原油田石油污染土壤中筛选出刺孢小克银汉霉菌(Cunninghamella echinulata)和阴沟肠杆菌(Enterobacter cloacae),在泥浆体系中考察了Cun.echinulata和E.cloacae的生长及其对石油烃的降解过程.结果表明,混合培养体系中细菌和真菌的数量最高分别为其纯培养体系的3倍和20倍,细胞衰亡则被明显推迟;混合培养体系中石油烃的去除率高于真菌和细菌纯培养体系石油烃去除率的总和;采用多次接种新鲜菌种的培养方式能够强化混合培养体系对石油烃的降解.在石油烃污染土壤中接入由Cun.echinulata和E.Cloacae所组成的真菌-细菌微生物制剂实施原位修复,结果表明,Cun.echinulata和E.Cloacae的生长及其对石油烃的降解不受土著微生物的抑制,最适工艺条件为:水和木屑含量分别为25%和6%(质量分数),Cun.echinulata和E.cloacae接种量分别为2.5×104和2.5×107CFU/g.接种上述真菌-细菌40 d后石油烃去除率可达约65%,而土著微生物对石油烃去除率为16.0%.; A new bioaugmentation technique for petroleum contaminated soil utilizing the synergistic function between bacteria and fungi in both growth and metabolism of petroleum was proposed and investigated using E.cloacae and Cun.echinulata,both of which were isolated from Zhongyuan Oil Field,Henan,China.The maximum biomass of E.cloacae and Cun.echinulata obtained in the mixed slurry culture were 3-and 20-fold as much as their respective counterpart obtained in the pure cultures.The decrease of cell activity was considerably postponed,as compared to the pure cultures.The removal of total petroleum hydrocarbon(TPH) by the mixture was higher than the sum of the individual removal obtained in the pure culture,which could be further enhanced by repeated inoculation of fresh fungal and bacterial inocula.The optimal parameters of the in situ bioremediation of crude oil-contaminated soil sampled in Zhongyuan Oil Field were determined as follows: 25%(m/m) soil humidity,6%((m/m)) of wood scraps,2.5�0~4 CFU/g of E.cloacae and 2.5�0~7(CFU/g) dry soil of Cun.echinulata.It was demonstrated that the growth behavior of the inocula and the degradation of TPH were not inhibited by the indigenous microorganisms.The in situ remediation via inoculating the fungal-bacterial consortia removed 65% of TPH in 40 days while the control experiment with the indigenous microorganisms removed 16%.
语种中文 ; 中文
GB/T 7714
韩慧龙,汤晶,江皓,等. 真菌-细菌修复石油污染土壤的协同作用机制研究[J],2010, 2010.
APA 韩慧龙.,汤晶.,江皓.,张敏莲.,刘铮.,...&LIU Zheng.(2010).真菌-细菌修复石油污染土壤的协同作用机制研究..
MLA 韩慧龙,et al."真菌-细菌修复石油污染土壤的协同作用机制研究".(2010).
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