题名纳帕海黑颈鹤(Grus nigricollis)越冬行为生态研究
关键词纳帕海 黑颈鹤 时间分配 栖息地 迁徙
其他题名Behavioural ecology of wintering Black-necked Cranes Grus nigricollis at Napa Lake, Yunnan, China
中文摘要2006年10月~2007年5月,我们采用固定路线调查、瞬时扫描行为取样法对云南纳帕海越冬黑颈鹤的行为时间分配、鹤群结构、栖息地利用等方面作了研究。 黑颈鹤越冬期日间行为主要以觅食和警戒为主,分别为76.81±9.1%和11.84±5.6%,两种行为共占了黑颈鹤日间行为时间分配比例的88.65%;其它几种行为除理羽(5.18±4.2%)、走动(3.37±2.25%)和休息(1.32±1.7%)外,其所占比例均在1%以下,它们分别为:飞行0.59±0.89 %、鸣叫0.41±0.63%、争斗0.22±0.30%和其它0.22±47%。越冬期中黑颈鹤日间行为具有明显节律性,觅食行为呈早晚双峰型节律,且傍晚的觅食高峰较高。黑颈鹤在纳帕海越冬期间从数量变化上可分为4个时期:1 早期的越冬集散期;2 中期的越冬稳定期;3 晚期的迁飞集散期;4 末期的幼鹤滞留期。鹤群结构及行为在不同的时期之间有着显著的变化。在越冬期中期,黑颈鹤特别是带有幼鹤的繁殖家庭更偏向于选择以家庭为单位的活动形式活动。集群鹤和领域鹤间在行为的时间分配上存在显著差异,集群活动有着集体警戒的优势使得集群鹤有了更多的时间用于觅食,但集群中的繁殖家庭并不能有效的利用这种优势,集群密集活动中高的争斗比例给集群中的幼鹤带更多的威胁,也增加了繁殖家庭中成鹤的负担。家庭鹤为了维护领域不受侵犯,付出了更高的警戒时间,而减少了觅食的时间分配,但稳定的环境给幼鹤的稳定成长提供了更可靠的保证。鹤群结构组成的研究表明,繁殖家庭倾向于选择在一定的家庭领域中单独活动,非繁殖成鹤则更多的选择活动在集群中。集群中的幼鹤跟家庭中的幼鹤在觅食、警戒、理羽、走动、休息、争斗等主要行为上并无差异,但集群中的幼鹤的躲避攻击的行为要显著高于家庭活动中的幼鹤,说明了家庭活动对幼鹤有着更好的保护作用,集群中的高争斗行为对幼鹤产生了一定的不利影响。幼鹤和成鹤间行为存在明显差异:幼鹤的觅食比例比较高,略高于集群中的成鹤而显著高于家庭中的成鹤,走动和休息两种行为高于成鹤,相反鸣叫、争斗行为低于成鹤。这说明,幼鹤在活动中的警戒作用很少,更多时间是用于觅食和休息中,家庭中的幼鹤也并不更多的承担警戒和维护家庭领域的任务,而同样以觅食和休息为主。 越冬鹤群白天栖息地主要有浅水沼泽、农地、草地、猪拱地和开阔水域5种,其中猪拱地与草甸裸地为浅水沼泽和草地的次生生境。5种栖息地中以浅水沼泽利用比例最大为32.26%,其次是猪拱地(31.49%),然后农地(18.01%)和草地(10.91%);开阔水域最小,只5.55%(图11)。这5种栖息地中,农地和猪拱地中鹤群的觅食比例最大分别为:78.85%和76.61%,是黑颈鹤越冬季觅食的重要地点之一。草地中鹤群的觅食行为比例(61.63%)相对其它4种栖息地中的觅食比例中最低,相反,移动和休整行为比例最高,是鹤群休息和转换觅食地的场所。鹤群对浅水沼泽的利用率最大,但浅水沼泽中鹤群的觅食比例并不是最高(71.22%),略低于农地和猪拱地中鹤群的觅食比例,这可能是因为沼泽中食物营养比较高,鹤群可以在不高的觅食时间中获取足够的能量造成的。猪拱地和裸泥地的利用率及鹤群在此种栖息地中的觅食比例均较高,仅次于浅水沼泽和农地两种最主要的栖息地类型,说明家畜的影响在一定程度上为越冬鹤群增加了新的觅食地,有利于黑颈鹤的越冬。 纳帕海越冬黑颈鹤春季迁徙时间从3月底开始持续至4月中下旬,2007年春季迁徙共持续时间22天。天气条件和日时间对鹤群的迁徙有着明显的影响,鹤群迁徙主要出现在晴天或多云天气的10:00-12:00段。晴朗的天气有利于形成上升气流,10:00-12:00时间段上升气流最强、最为稳定,能为鹤群迁徙节省最多的能量,有利于鹤群的迁徙。
英文摘要The daily actives and time budgets, structure, habitat celecting, of Black-necked Crane in Napai Lake Nature Reserve, shangri-la of Yunnan Province, were studied from October 2006 to May 2007. Cranes devoted most of their daily activity time to foraging and vigilance, accounted for 76.81±9.1%and 11.84±5.6%respectively in the daily time of Black-necked crane during wintering period, otherwise, the other actives are preening: 5.18±4.2%,ambulation: 3.37±2.25%, resting: 1.32±1.7%, flying: 0.59±0.89%, call: 0.41±0.63%,aggression: 0.22±0.30%and others: 0.22±47%. Foraging showed two peaks, one peeking at the middle morning and another more higher peaking at late afternoon, meanwhile, preening, ambulation and resting followed an inverse pattern, preening and resting have one peak in early morning and late afternoon respectively, the other one peaking at midday, ambulation have one peak in midday, another peaking at later afternoon. Juveniles which have no difference between actived with flocks or families gate more foraging, resting and Ambulation time than adults, having significant higher percentage of foraging than family adults comparable to adults which foraging in flocks exactly, and have less vigilance, aggression and call contrary. Juveniles both in flocks and families have no responsibility of vigilance or defence. We compartmentalize the winter season into four stages bases on the amount changes of the Black-necked Crane habited on Napai Lake Reserve. Diurnal actives show a significant difference among different stages in foraging, vigilance, preening, resting, locomotion, aggression, and flying. The foraging flock structure changed in different stages. We fund the families that have offspring are favored foraging at family territory, especially in later winter, whereas adults without offspring prefer group prefer foraging in flocks to family territory.Compared the time budgets of adults in different flocks we found adults of territorial families spent more time in vigilance, less time in foraging, and they are less aggressive than those in flocks, especially, the Adult Flocks have the most time budget in foraging and least time in vigilance. On the contrary, the Parent Families have the least time budget in foraging and most time in vigilance. Aggression is the highest in Mixed Flocks which predicts the most unstable condition that would endanger the offspring, and invalidate the advantage that adults would obtain from flocks. It is also found that families with offspring favor territorial behavior, especially in hard times, whereas adults without offspring prefer group foraging.to territorial behavior, in order to acquire more time in foraging. There are five kinds of habitat used by cranes in Napa Lake, marsh, farmland, meadow, Pig patches and water area, which were disproportion used by the Black-necked Cranes. Marsh was the most favorable habitat; farmland, Pig patches were the likely foraging place at where Black-necked Cranes have a high proportion of foraging, while water area was the least using kind habitat. Meadow is likely a resting site and staging area cranes when change foraging patches, bases on the high resting and Locomotion behavior. The time of Black-necked Cranes departing on spring migration begin at later march and end at later April. Rain, cloudiness and strong winds were important factors inhibiting migration. Most cranes migrated in fair weather conditions: sunny day, gentle breeze or no winds. Most of the migratory cranes are take the depart time generally between 10:00 and 12:00 hours.
GB/T 7714
王凯. 纳帕海黑颈鹤(Grus nigricollis)越冬行为生态研究[D]. 北京. 中国科学院研究生院. 2008.
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