Landscape Genetics of Leaf-Toed Geckos in the Tropical Dry Forest of Northern Mexico
Blair C[*]1,2; Arcos VHJ3; de la Cruz FRM3; Murphy RW1,2,4
英文摘要Habitat fragmentation due to both natural and anthropogenic forces continues to threaten the evolution and maintenance of biological diversity. This is of particular concern in tropical regions that are experiencing elevated rates of habitat loss. Although less well-studied than tropical rain forests, tropical dry forests (TDF) contain an enormous diversity of species and continue to be threatened by anthropogenic activities including grazing and agriculture. However, little is known about the processes that shape genetic connectivity in species inhabiting TDF ecosystems. We adopt a landscape genetic approach to understanding functional connectivity for leaf-toed geckos (Phyllodactylus tuberculosus) at multiple sites near the northernmost limit of this ecosystem at Alamos, Sonora, Mexico. Traditional analyses of population genetics are combined with multivariate GIS-based landscape analyses to test hypotheses on the potential drivers of spatial genetic variation. Moderate levels of within-population diversity and substantial levels of population differentiation are revealed by F-ST and D-est. Analyses using STRUCTURE suggest the occurrence of from 2 to 9 genetic clusters depending on the model used. Landscape genetic analysis suggests that forest cover, stream connectivity, undisturbed habitat, slope, and minimum temperature of the coldest period explain more genetic variation than do simple Euclidean distances. Additional landscape genetic studies throughout TDF habitat are required to understand species-specific responses to landscape and climate change and to identify common drivers. We urge researchers interested in using multivariate distance methods to test for, and report, significant correlations among predictor matrices that can impact results, particularly when adopting least-cost path approaches. Further investigation into the use of information theoretic approaches for model selection is also warranted.
资助信息Funding was provided by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (Discovery Grant 3148) and the Theodore Roosevelt Memorial Fund.
作者单位1.Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
2.Department of Natural History, Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
3.Laboratorio de Herpetologı ´a, Instituto de Biologı ´a, Universidad Nacional Auto ´noma de Mexico, Mexico City, Me ´xico
4.State Key Laboratory of Genetic Resources and Evolution, Kunming Institute of Zoology, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming, China
GB/T 7714
Blair C[*],Arcos VHJ,de la Cruz FRM,et al. Landscape Genetics of Leaf-Toed Geckos in the Tropical Dry Forest of Northern Mexico[J]. PLOS ONE,2013,8(2):e57433.
APA Blair C[*],Arcos VHJ,de la Cruz FRM,&Murphy RW.(2013).Landscape Genetics of Leaf-Toed Geckos in the Tropical Dry Forest of Northern Mexico.PLOS ONE,8(2),e57433.
MLA Blair C[*],et al."Landscape Genetics of Leaf-Toed Geckos in the Tropical Dry Forest of Northern Mexico".PLOS ONE 8.2(2013):e57433.
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