关键词全固态飞秒激光器 掺Yb<sup>3+</sup>晶体 孤子锁模激光器 激光样机
其他题名Development and optimization of Yb-doped solid-state femtosecond lasers
中文摘要近20年来,由于用于光泵浦的半导体激光器技术及快的半导体可饱和吸收体技术的发展,超快激光技术得到了长足进步。半导体激光器泵浦的半导体可饱和吸收体锁模及Kerr透镜锁模激光器的大量出现,使得超快激光器从以往复杂的实验室系统转变为可靠的结构紧凑的设备,超快激光器进入全固态时代。 目前,全固态飞秒激光器,由于拥有极短的时域分辨率(10-12-10-15 s量级),高的重复频率,宽的光谱及高的峰值光强,同时兼顾结构紧凑及高的稳定性,在科研、医学、信息技术、工业及通信等许多重大领域均具有重要应用。但是怎么获得更窄脉宽、更大能量、更高光强及更多波长范围的超快源一直是本领域的努力方向,针对上述关键技术,本论文开展了相关的研究。 本论文工作集中在掺Yb3+全固态激光器的研制及优化方面,主要包括以下方面: (1)连续激光研究及波长调谐实验 首次使用新材料Yb:(Y0.9La0.1)2O3多晶陶瓷(国产)实现连续激光运转光,激光最大输出功率约500mW,斜度效率约为13%。若陶瓷的质量能进一步改善且样品端面镀上合适的增透膜,可能获得高效率的输出。此陶瓷若能获得高效率输出,将有望用在高功率飞秒激光器中。 首次使用新晶体Yb:LPS获得连续激光输出,并实现波长调谐。在晶体吸收的泵浦功率为7.9W时,获得2.22W连续激光输出,对应斜度效率为34.7%,波长调谐范围1034nm-1080nm,宽46nm。 (2)皮秒锁模实验 使用Nd:YVO4晶体在1064nm波长获得稳定锁模,最窄脉宽13ps、功率3W、重复频率103MHz,光-光转换效率34.2%。通过优化主要参数,目前已制成单路输出大于1W的皮秒激光器样机。 首次使用Yb:LuAG晶体获得连续锁模输出。首先研究该晶体连续激光运转及波长调谐。在吸收的泵浦光功率12.1W时,连续激光输出功率可达4.6W,斜度效率达42.7%。若晶体镀膜后,效率还将有所增高。就输出曲线而言,未见饱和迹象,继续增加泵浦功率,最大输出功率可以更高。波长调谐范围为1033nm-1079nm。锁模实验中,泵浦功率11.2W时,获得610mW的最大稳定锁模输出,脉宽为7.63ps,激光中波长1046nm。由于此晶体热导性能好,且出光效率高,有希望用来做高功率皮秒及飞秒激光器。 (3)孤子锁模研究 首次使用Yb:GYSO晶体获得半导体泵浦的孤子锁模输出。首先研究了该晶体皮秒锁模,最大可获得1.2W连续锁模输出,脉宽约20ps。孤子锁模时,在1042nm处获得375fs输出,1058nm处获得1.4ps输出。在进行此晶体锁模试验时,模拟计算了孤子锁模及非孤子锁模阈值(critical intracavity pulse energy),发现前者约为后者的1/86。 使用Yb:KGW晶体获得功率200mW 脉宽250fs连续锁模输出,各种参数还在优化中,有望实现性能稳定的高功率输出。 在攻读博士学位期间,本人与他人合作在国内外学术刊物上发表的与本研究项目有关的论文7篇,在审论文1篇。其中已发表论文中第一作者2篇,在审1篇;在国际学术会议上发表论文5篇,第一作者已发表1篇,已接受1篇;与他人合作获得授权发明专利1项。
英文摘要Ultrafast laser technology has been dramatically improved over the past 20 years as the development of semiconductor lasers for optical pumping and fast optical semiconductor saturable absorber. The appearance of a large number of LD-pumped SESAM and optical nonlinear Kerr effect mode-locked lasers has made the ultrafast lasers progressed from complicated and specialized laboratory system to compact and reliable instruments. And the ultrafast laser has entered into an era of all solid-state lasers. All-solid-state femtosecond lasers, with a very short time domain resolution (10-12-10-15 s), high repetition rate, broad spectral and high peak light intensity, both the compact structure and high stability, have important applications in many important fields, such as scientific research, medical, information technology, industry and communications etc.. But how to obtain ultrafast sources with narrower pulse width, greater energy, higher intensity and more wavelength range is always the goal of related research teams and company. It is also the main research issues of our team. In the dissertation, we focused on the development of all solid-state lasers, mainly including the following aspects: (1) Continuous wave laser and the tuning of wavelength The first laser operation of a domestic Yb:(Y0.9La0.1)2O3 ceramics has been demonstrated. The maximum output power was about 500mW, and slope efficiency was about 13%. If the quality of the ceramics is improved and the sample is coated with appropriate films, higher efficiency would be achieved. If high efficient output can be obtained, this ceramics could be used as the gain medium of high power femtosecond laser. The continuous wave operation and wavelength tuning of a new crystal Yb: LPS have been demonstrated for the first time to our knowledge. With absorbed pump power of 7.9 W, an output power of 2.22 W was achieved, with slop efficiency of 34.7%. The wavelength tuning can cover the range of 1034nm - 1080nm, with a band width of 46nm. (2) Picosecond mode-locked lasers Diode-pumped Nd: YVO4 crystal laser has been passively mode locked with a SESAM. The pulses as short as 13 ps were generated, with repetition rate of 103MHz. The maximum output was 3W with an optical-optical conversion efficiency of 34.2%. A prototype with output power>l W has already been made by optimizing the main parameters. Diode-pumped Yb:LuAG laser has been passively mode locked with a SESAM for the first time to the authors’ knowledge. The pulses as short as 7.63ps were generated, without negative dispersion elements. The output power of 610mW was achieved at pump of 11.2W with repetition rate of 86MHz. The continuous-wave operation and wavelength tuning pumped at 940nm were also examined, and its tuning can cover the range of 1033nm-1079nm. For high thermal conductivity and slop efficiency, Yb:LuAG crystal could be used to construct high power picosecond and femtosecond lasers. (3) Soliton mode locked lasers Diode-pumped soliton and mode-locked Yb: GYSO lasers have been demonstrated for the first time to the our knowledge. Pulses as short as 375fs and 1.4ps were generated for the soliton mode-locked operation at the wavelength of 1042nm and 1058nm respectively. For the non-soliton mode locking, output power could achieve ~1.2 W, and pulse width was about 20ps. The critical intracavity pulse energy in the soliton-mode locked operation against the Q-switched mode locking was much lower than the critical intracavity pulse energy in the non-soliton mode-locked operation. Soliton mode-locked Yb: KGW laser was achieved, with an output power of 200mW and pulse width of 250fs.
GB/T 7714
何晋平. 全固态掺Yb&ltsup>3+&lt/sup>飞秒激光器研制及性能优化[D]. 中国科学院上海光学精密机械研究所. 2010.
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