关键词高密度光存储 亚酞菁 金属-TCNQ电荷转移化合物 光学性质 光存储性质 光盘多层膜系设计
中文摘要光存储技术是继磁存储之后新近兴起的重要信息存储技术;近年来,不仅在技术上取得重大突破,在商品市场方面也获得了巨大成功,逐渐形成了一个引人注目的高科技产业。存储介质一直是高密度光存储技术中的瓶颈问题,于是寻求新型高性能光记录介质、发展新的高质量记录膜的制备方法以及设计与不同记录介质相匹配的多层膜结构成为当前的重要任务。与无机材料相比较,对有机材料在光存储技术中应用的研究起步较晚,然而由于它所具有的独特优势使得人们的兴趣与日俱增。本文综述了光存储技术和光存储材料的研究现状及发展趋势,重点介绍了两种用于高密度光存储的新型有机化合物——亚酞菁和基于TCNQ的电荷转移化合物的研究状况,在此基础上,采用物理气相沉积、旋涂等技术手段制备了多种亚酞菁和金属-TCNQ化合物薄膜,研究了它们的光学性质和短波长光存储性能。此外,还对光盘多层介质膜系设计和评价方法进行了改进和推广,结合实验结果重点对基于有机记录介质的可录光盘设计方法进行了初步探讨。本文对多种新型有机染料(亚酞菁和金属-TCNQ化合物)所制备的不同性质的薄膜(旋涂膜、蒸镀膜等)的光学常数进行了测量,得到的结果对此类材料在光存储方面的应用提供了必不可少的参数。这些薄膜的光学常数均是首次获得。本文研究了几种新型亚酞菁化合物在不同介质中(稀溶液、高分子介质、蒸发膜和溶液旋涂膜)的吸收光谱特性,研究了溶剂处理和热处理对该类薄膜吸收光谱的影响,并结合酞菁类化合物的能级结构、聚集特性以及亚酞菁特有的非平面结构对以上结果作了合理的解释。本文研究了几种新型亚酞菁化合物薄膜的短波长光存储特性。研究表明,当记录激光波长为632.8nm时,亚酞菁薄膜具有优于某些酞菁薄膜的静态记录效果,可以在更低的记录功率下,获得更高的反射率对比度。三硝基取代溴硼亚酞菁(BTN-SubPc)薄膜和三新戊氧基溴硼亚酞菁(BTNP-SubPc)薄膜能在写入功率小于10mW,脉宽为300ns时(对应能量为3nJ),获得大于30%的反射率对比度。我们还利用高数值孔径(NA = 0.85)的短波长光盘静态测试仪研究了BTN-SubPc薄膜的绿光(514.5nm)静态光存储特性,结果表明,与某些偶氮掺杂高分子薄膜和Te-Sb系相变薄膜相比,亚酞菁薄膜具有更好的短波长静态记录效果,显示出该材料用作短波长高密度光存储介质(如用于蓝绿光DVD-R)的巨大潜力;通过选择合适的反射层材料,利用该类薄膜不仅可以实现红光(632.8nm)记录,在514.5 nm波长处同样可以获得足够高的反射率和反射率对比度,从而成功地将光存储染料的应用波段拓展到了吸收带的短波边,为双波长(甚至双短波长)记录/读出的实现和短波长记录材料的选择提供了一种新的思路。本文还研究了亚酞菁掺杂高分子(PMMA)薄膜的静态激光记录特性,结果表明,尽管以高分子作为光记录染料的分散介质可以改善成膜性和记录介质的长期稳定性,但同时也提高了记录能量。利用亚酞菁混合染料制成光盘,空白盘片动态整体测试项目已经达到标准要求。本文研究了化学配比对Ag-TCNQ薄膜以及热处理对Ag-TCNQ和Cu-TCNQ薄膜吸收光谱的影响,我们将光谱的变化归结为在相应的复合薄膜上形成了不同结合方式和强度的电荷转移化合物,并结合基于TCNQ电荷转移化合物的跃迁能级以及金属原子团的表面等离子共振吸收对化合物薄膜的光谱和光学性质作了解释。本文研究了Ag-TCNQ和Cu-TCNQ薄膜的光致变色特性。利用短波长激光(波长514.5nm)实现了该类薄膜写入和擦除,获得了薄膜的短波长激光写入功率密度阈值,讨论了薄膜成分对Ag-TCNQ薄膜激光写入阈值的影响,最后还讨论了该类薄膜的光致变色(开关)机理。本文首次将评价周期性多层介质膜系优劣的膜厚误差分析方法推广到了光盘系统,以可录光盘(CD-R)和相变光盘(CD-RW)为例计算了各层膜的膜厚误差灵敏度因子,并结合实验数据作了分析。这种分析方法可以方便地推广到其它种类的光盘。本文建立了一套高密度可录光盘染料层优化设计方法并在对可录光盘位相结构和表面几何匹配度研究的基础上建立一个包含台槽位相差信息的可录光盘设计模型,不仅丰富了设计理论,也具有重要的实际意义。本论文工作是本课题组所承担的国家自然科学基金重点项目“蓝绿光高密度光盘存储材料的研究”(批准号:59832060)和中科院“九五”基础性研究重大项目“新型高密度光盘存储材料和技术的基础研究” (课题编号:KJ951-B1-702)的组成部分。
英文摘要The emergence of optical storage technology is a great event in information science and technology. Nowadays the optical disks become the key devices for data storage at the dawn of a full-scale multimedia age. The storage media are still the bottleneck in high-density optical storage. It is an important task to search for new optical recording media with high performance, to explore new preparation approaches to obtain high quality recording films, and to design and optimize the multilayer structures matching different recording media. In contrast with inorganic materials, the organic materials possess some special advantages and attract considerable attentions. The present situation of optical storage technique and materials was summarized in this thesis, as well as the further development tendency of those. A detailed and comprehensive overview on two novel kinds of organic high density optical storage materials, such as subphthalocyanine dye and TCNQ-based charge-transfer photochromic complexes, was given. The optical and short-wavelength recording properties of these complex thin films were studied and the optimization process for optical disk multilayers was also improved and discussed. The optical and dielectric constants of some kinds of subphthalocyanine and metal-TCNQ thin films were determined. These parameters were acquired for the first time and essential for optical storage applications. The absorption spectral properties of several novel subphthalocyanine compounds in different media, such as in solution and in solid films. The effects of solvent vapor treatment and heat treatment on the absorption spectra of these films were also studied and discussed. The short-wavelength optical recording properties of some novel subphthalocyanine films were studied. For the sublimated BTN-SubPc thin film, high reflectivity contrast (>30%) can be obtained at lower writing power (<10mW) and shorter writing pulsewidth (300ns) by using a He-Ne laser (632.8nm) or an Ar~+ laser (514.5nm) irradiation. These results demonstrated that subphthalocyanine is not only qualified for red-light recording (DVD-R), but also a promising candidate for the recording medium of a green-light DVD-R, because a sufficient reflectivity and reflectivity contrast can also be obtained at 514.5nm (green light) if an appropriate reflector was used. It spreaded the dyes' traditional operating wavelength to the leading edge of its absorption band and provided a new clew for double-wavelength (even double short-wavelength) writing/reading and choosing short-wavelength recording materials. A sample disk was developed using mixed organic dyes containing subphthalocyanine, and the dynamic parameters of the disk before recording were up to standard. The proportion and temperature dependence of absorption spectral of Ag-TCNQ and Cu-TCNQ thin films were studied and discussed. Short-wavelength (514.5 nm) optical recording and erasing were realized using Ag-TCNQ and Cu-TCNQ thin films and the writing power intensity threshold of these films were measured. The switching mechanism of this kind of films was discussed as well. The thickness error's sensitivity factor for dielectric optical multilayer is derived from the optical matrix in this thesis and the effect of the thickness error on the reflectivity or reflectivity contrast of the optical disk multilayer was analyzed with a numerical calculation for the first time. The sensitivities to thickness error for different layers or in different film-thickness ranges were compared and discussed. A sketchy method defining allowable thickness error was given. Some experimental results verified the applicability of our theoretical analysis. A dye layer process optimization method for recordable optical disk was given and a multilayer design model including phase structure and geometrical conformability information for recordable optical disks was discussed. This work was supported by the key program of National Natural Science Foundation of China (contract No. 59832060) and the key project for fundamental research of Chinese Academy of Sciences (project No. K J951-B 1-702).
GB/T 7714
王阳. 几种有机化合物薄膜的光学和光存储性质研究[D]. 中国科学院上海光学精密机械研究所. 2001.
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