关键词抑郁 抑郁史 自发痛 诱发痛 多通道神经元同步记录
其他题名The effect of depression and depression history on pain perception
中文摘要抑郁是近年来发病率较高的疾病,严重影响患者的生活和学习。临床上,抑郁常与慢性痛共病,严重影响患者的生活质量和康复进程。临床上经常可以见到抑郁患者抱怨疼痛的频率和严重程度都显著高于一般人群。然而,临床试验研究却发现,抑郁患者对于外界给予的多种疼痛感觉阈值都是升高的。 本实验室前期研究发现,抑郁情绪会抑制外界给予的诱发痛,同时易化福尔马林引起的自发痛。然而,究竟抑郁如何调节痛觉,抑郁对痛觉的远期调节又是怎样的,这其中的动态发展过程至今不甚明朗。 为了解决上述问题,本研究以大鼠为实验对象,在成功建立不确定预期的温和慢性应激和双侧嗅球切除两种经典抑郁动物模型基础之上,考察抑郁及抑郁史对动物诱发痛和自发痛的调节作用以及这种调节所涉及的皮层和边缘系统神经元活动的改变。 主要发现如下: ⒈ 验证抑郁情绪抑制动物的诱发痛行为,同时易化动物的自发痛行为。 ⒉ 抑郁情绪消退后动物的诱发痛恢复至对照水平。抑郁情绪史易化动物的自发痛行为。当抑郁情绪消退后,大鼠的福尔马林自发痛行为依然显著增加。 3. 在抑郁情绪下,抑制大鼠基底外侧杏仁核(Basolateral amygdala, BLA)活动可以改善情绪状态,同时降低诱发痛阈。在抑郁样行为消失的情况下,抑制大鼠BLA活动,糖水偏好程度和诱发痛阈没有明显改变,福尔马林自发痛行为显著减弱。 4. 在抑郁情绪下,抑制大鼠内侧前额叶(Media profrontal cotrex, mPFC)的活动糖水偏好和痛阈没有显著变化。在抑郁消退期,抑制大鼠mPFC的活动,抑郁样行为会再次出现,此时的自发痛行为也显著增强。 5. 在诱发痛条件下,抑郁情绪抑制刺激同侧皮层神经元活动,增强同侧边缘系统到皮层的信息流动,减弱皮层对边缘系统的调节。对侧神经元的改变与同侧类似。 6. 在诱发痛条件下,抑郁史增强刺激同侧边缘系统和皮层神经元的活动性,减弱同侧边缘系统和皮层之间的信息流动。对刺激对侧边缘系统和皮层的调节与同侧是一致的。 7. 在自发痛条件下,抑郁史兴奋同侧边缘系统兴奋性神经元的活动,同时抑制同侧皮层神经元的活动,减弱边缘系统到皮层的信息流动,增强皮层对边缘系统的调节。此外,抑郁史抑制对侧边缘系统神经元的活动,同时兴奋对侧皮层的神经元,增强皮层对边缘系统的调节。 根据以上结果,我们得出如下结论: 首次发现抑郁史对自发痛和诱发痛具有不同的调节,前者依然被易化而后者恢复至健康对照水平。 首次发现抑郁和抑郁史通过痛刺激同、对侧的皮层和边缘系统对诱发痛和自发痛的引起的伤害性信息传递进行调节。
The present study was designed to investigate the effect of depression and depression history on nociceptive perception. Unpredictacle chronic mild stree (UCMS) paradigm and olfactory bulbectomy model weae employed to develop a classical depression. We aimed to test whether the depression and depression history had effects on both evoke pain and spontaneous pain behaviors in rats and the underlying mechanism using a multi-channel single-unit recording technique. Some important findings emerged from this study: 1. Depressed subjects tended to exhibit decreased pain sensitivity to experimental stimuli externally applied. In normal states, depressed rats displayed stronger tolerance to radiant heat stimuli. The ongoing pain produced by subcutaneous formalin injection was significantly intensified in rats with depression-like behavoors. 2. The thermal stimulus-evoked pain of rats with depression history was comparable to that of healthy control. In both inflammatory and normal states, there were no significant differences between the two groups. The formalin induced spontaneous pain was still enhanced even when the depressive behaviors had disappeared. 3. In the UCMS-exposed rats, microinjection of GABAA receptor agonist muscimol into the basolateral amygdala elevated the sucrose preference. The pain threshold decrease correspondingly. During the remitted phase of depression, the microjection of muscimol into BLA elevated the sucrose preference significantly. The radiant heat pain threshold decreased. Besides, spontaneous pain behaviors were weakened as a result of the mrcorinjection. 4. In the UCMS-exposed rats, microinjection of muscimol into the media prefrontal cortex could elevate the sucrose preference. However, there were no significant differences between muscimol group and saline group in radiant heat pain tests. During the remitted phase of depression, the microjection of muscimol into mPFC decreased the sucrose preference. However, there were still no significant differences between muscimol group and saline group in radiant heat pain tests. The microinjection significantly intensified the ongoing pain. 5. Under evoked pain condition, depression inhibited the neuro activities in ipsilateral PFC, enhanced the information flow from the limbic system to cortex, and decreased the information flow from the cortex to limbic system. At the meanwhile, depression inhibited the neuro activities in contralateral BLA and PFC, enhanced the information flow from the limbic system to cortex, and decreased the information flow from the cortex to limbic system. 6. Under evoked pain condition, depression history intensified the neuro activities in ipsilateral BLA and PFC, reduced the information flow between the two. Moreover, the neuro activities and information flow in contralateral BLA and PFC were similar to the ipsilateral regions. 7. In spontaneous pain state, depression history excited the neuro activities in ipsilateral BLA, inhibited the neruo activities in ipsllateral PFC, decreased the information flow from limbic system to cortex, and strengthened the information flow from cortex to limbic system. Basides, depresson history ihhibited the neuro activities in contralateral BLA, excited neuro activities in contralateral PFC, and enhanced the information flow from cortex to limbic system.
GB/T 7714
王玮. 抑郁状态及抑郁史对痛感觉影响的初步研究[D]. 北京. 中国科学院研究生院. 2011.
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