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题名磁导航手术系统电磁问题研究; 磁导航手术系统电磁问题研究
关键词磁导航外科手术系统 目标场法 球形四极磁体 介入式微创手术 超导磁 Magnetic stereotaxis system Target field approach Quadrapole spherical magnet Less-invasive interventional operation Superconducting magnet
中文摘要磁导航外科手术系统是通过计算机控制磁场的空间分布,使预先植入人体内的铁磁小珠按照规定的路径运动,直接作用于患处或引导介入式导管在人体内进行各类复杂外科手术操作的一种新型介入式微创手术装置。本文在深入调研国内、外研究进展情况的基础上,从理论上弄清楚了磁导航外科手术系统的基本工作原理、控制方法。针对本论文研究的核心问题,即磁导航外科手术系统中的电磁问题,根据国外现有装置中存在的问题和不足,提出了一种新型的超导磁体结构,在此基础上设计、建造了磁导航外科手术模型系统。并通过一系列的试验模拟了真实手术系统的工作情况,所作的主要工作如下:在理论方面,根据Turner先生提出的目标场法的思路,推导了球坐标系下目标场法的计算公式,用该公式设计了可以在球型区域内产生理想均匀梯度磁场的磁体线圈结构,并从实际的工程建造角度出发,对该球形磁体结构进行了优化设计,提出了改进型球形四极磁体的设计方案。通过理论分析和有限元仿真计算表明。该磁体不仅可以在球形手术区域产生均匀梯度磁场,而且与普通螺线管线圈相比。在相同的磁体尺寸和电流大小下具有较高的磁场梯度和较小的电感。满足了该手术系统对磁体的特殊要求。此外,还研究了似稳磁场与永磁体的相互作用关系,给出了一对及多对球形线圈情况下的空间磁场分布及磁珠所受磁力计算公式;结合模型系统的运行情况,研究了小磁珠及介入导管在模拟血管环境中运动所受粘滞阻力的测定方法,给出了小磁珠步进运动时驱动电流与目标位移量的计算方法,推导了初步的计算公式。在实验方面,用铜导线绕制了改进型球形四极磁体,通过一系列试验验证了本论文所提出的理论和有限元仿真计算的正确性;设计并建造了磁导航外科手术模型系统,包括:人机交互控制系统的软、硬件设计;程控脉冲电源系统的搭建;磁体的应力防护措施;模拟血管环境等其它相关附件的设计。与师弟的立体定向成像系统协同工作,完成了对该模型系统的一系列试验,包括:磁力测定试验、成像系统的标定试验、运动检测试验、模拟血管内的粘滞阻力的测定试验、模型系统的整体联动试验等等,取得了很多宝贵的数据和经验,为今后进一步的研究打下了基础。最后,利用所获得的研究成果,简单讨论了今后的研究方向和所要解决的关键问题,提出了超导磁体系统的设计要求·初步的设计方案、失超保护方案等。 The Magnetic Stereotaxis System (MSS) is a unique less-invasive interventional operation device that is designed to deliver a small permanent pellet and an attached catheter directly into the vasculatures or soft tissues of a patient to perform complicated surgical operations under > the control of spatial magnetic field distributions. After carefully studied on the recent development of the MSS, this paper mainly concemed on the basic theories and confeol strategies of the MSS. According to the key research problems of this thesis and the disadvantages of the current MSS, this paper presents a novel type of superconducting magnet structure. The first domestic model MSS has also been constructed and a series of experiments have been performed to simulate the real operation situations on this base. The main research aspects are as follows: In theory, this paper developed Turner's target fields approach in the design.of spherical coils. This approach allows the modeling of particular linear gradient magnetic fields inside the spherical volumes. Based on the practical constructions in engineering, this paper optimized the original spherical magnet scheme and presented a type of modified quadrupole spherical magnet structure. After carefully theoretical analysis and FEA software simulations, this new type of coils can generate nearly linear gradient fields inside the spherical volumes. In addition, compared with the traditional solenoid coils of the similar dimensions and current values, the spherical coils can generate higher fields while the inductance values keep lower, which is essential for the MSS. In addition, this paper also studied the magnetic force relationships between the quasi-static magnetic fields and small permanent pellets. This paper also analytically calculated the field distributions and magnetic forces in multi-spherical coils situations. From the practical motion patterns of the small pellet, this paper also studied the approaches of friction measurements in gelatin phantom material and the preliminary calculation formulas- of the current-displace relationships during the pellet's "stepped motion". In practical, prototypes of these modified spherical coils have been constructed with copper conductors* After carefully measurements, the measured fields and gradients agree with the above theoretical analysis and simulation results within the measurement accuracy. The model MSS has also been designed and constructed that includes: software and hardware of the control system, programmable pulse power supply, magnetic stress compensation schemes and the accessories of this gelatin phantom situations. Cooperated with my partner's stereotaxis system that was used to detect the spatial positions of the small permanent pellet, this paper performed a lot of experiments including: magnetic force measurements, camera calibration experiments, motion detection experiments, friction measurements in the gelatin phantom material, real operation simulations and etc* From the above experiments, these gained experiences and data may be valuable for the future researches. Finally, this paper also discussed the future research targets and key problems from the gained knowledge such as superconducting magnet requirements, design schemes, quench protections and etc.
GB/T 7714
1白烨,电工研究所. 磁导航手术系统电磁问题研究, 磁导航手术系统电磁问题研究[D]. 中国科学院电工研究所. 2005.
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